Author Topic: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside  (Read 1313 times)

Offline Madkow

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How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:42:52 PM »
I did drop to co alt because I wanted to fight .. Its about a 6min fight.

Kommando Nowotny                                                     
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Offline Messiah

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 11:43:12 PM »
You need to control your speed. You should be throttling down a lot more when in the rolling scissor. 5:08 you should have pulled into him and hope he misses his shot giving you a chance to get in a better position, instead of a split-S. Other than that it was good flying.
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Offline sunfan1121

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 01:00:14 AM »
 you need a dedicated merge other than just tracking where he goes. First merge you had the adv, he had to break into you, but because you did a flat turn instead of a double immelman or even a single immel you lost the adv. Also notice that on the first shot you had he was going vertical and you had to pull lead, that set him up for the rolling scissor. It's not a good idea to turn or do any kind of scissor when you have more E than the other guy. If do get sucked into a scissor with more E, milk your energy as muchas you can when your going up.
     At ~ 2:19 I would have gone vertical as he was pointing nose down and rolled to the left at the top instead of extending. I would not let him get on my 12/6 line for any reason , i would try to break into him as hes coming around his turn( in this case a break to the right)
    At ~ 3:20 on the second time you merged you let him get under you. only let the guy go under you if you plan on E fighting, even then it's risky because he gets a insta angle to your 6. when you guys started to do your R.S., you had the E. I would have milked all of my E going up rather than doing a tight R.S. I like to make sure my first rolling scissor is as big as possable.
    The third merge about the 5:00 mark, you let him get under you again. You only did 1 immel, and continued to do a rolling scissor with him.

The things i would work on are:
work on your merge, any merge is better than a tracking flat turn.
Don't get suckered into turning when your faster.
Make your first rolling scissor the widest, you want to be close to stall speed as your nosing down.
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2009, 02:54:42 AM »
He used your speed against you and then you fought his fight.  With the alt and E you could have controlled it all the way. 
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2009, 06:09:45 AM »
you need a dedicated merge other than just tracking where he goes. First merge you had the adv, he had to break into you, but because you did a flat turn instead of a double immelman or even a single immel you lost the adv.

Yup.  I thought a high yo-yo would have been ok, too.  Regardless, the idea is not to cut a big flat circle around your target with that extra speed.

Going for lead pursuit at every opportunity is going to fail.  I would cite that as the most habitual mistake I see in online air combat that allows the defender to reverse the circumstances all too frequently.  In many cases, in order to maintain the offensive, you need to follow a lag pursuit instead.  If you're too fast, lead pursuit allows the target to cut inside your radius, lag pursuit keeps you and the bandit within the same approximate radius.  You know you're not going to cut outside the bandit's radius when can hold him in a fixed place in your view through the canopy along your lift line.  Once you've established that advantageous position, then it's time to transition to lead pursuit for a shot opportunity.

It's important to understand that the scissors fight is about minimizing forward velocity.  Check out the rolling scissors animation at the trainers site to good a visual idea of it.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 06:12:00 AM by Anaxogoras »
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Offline Tordon22

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2009, 04:43:22 PM »
I agree with what the others have said, the part that really stood out for me is the 2 minute mark. At this point you try to cut the angle on his roll for a shot without getting off the throttle. During that time you're gaining speed and he is still dumping it. After that you either need to go vertical or widen your scissor loops.

Offline Tec

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2009, 06:55:50 PM »
Need to be more aggressive all around IMO.  When in tight you can use your flaps to help keep you from overshooting.  Also it seems some timing work on your merges might be in order.  On the first re-merge you started into a climb when he was still 1k out on ya and all he did was go into a shallow climb then pull a lead turn as you were passing to get right on your 6.

Here's the only good K4 vs. 38 film I have right off hand.  Right click>save as.
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Offline Bosco123

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2009, 07:31:07 PM »
Yea, no throttle control, whatsoever. Needed to use your tourque E climb advantage against him. What he did was use his turning ability against you, and you fell for it.
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Offline cactuskooler

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2009, 08:30:05 PM »
I wouldn't be so quick to extend. With the E advantage you had, you could of kept the fight climbing in the vertical. He would not have been able to keep up with where you dictated the fight to be.
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Offline Madkow

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2009, 10:39:51 PM »
you need a dedicated merge other than just tracking where he goes. First merge you had the adv, he had to break into you, but because you did a flat turn instead of a double immelman or even a single immel you lost the adv. Don't get suckered into turning when your faster.

Your 100% right and I know not to flat turn but that time I did it anyway... It really really hurt me.. I just wasn't sure what he was going to do..

At ~ 2:19 I would have gone vertical as he was pointing nose down and rolled to the left at the top instead of extending. I would not let him get on my 12/6 line for any reason , i would try to break into him as hes coming around his turn( in this case a break to the right)

That would help dig myself out of the hole I was in for not doing the immelman.

Yea, no throttle control, whatsoever. Needed to use your tourque E climb advantage against him. What he did was use his turning ability against you, and you fell for it.

I didn't like the way the first merge went. I left the throttle open because I was going to extend and do it right but by that time the flat turn killed my E advantage.. So i did the stupid thing and left it open looking to extend and not really trying to win with the cards I dealt myself..

Kommando Nowotny                                                     
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Offline Madkow

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2009, 10:46:10 PM »
Also it seems some timing work on your merges might be in order.  On the first re-merge you started into a climb when he was still 1k out on ya and all he did was go into a shallow climb then pull a lead turn as you were passing to get right on your 6.

If I had a cat it would have gotten kicked 10 seconds after I did that.. I couldn't believe I did that as I was doing it...

Kommando Nowotny                                                     
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Offline boomerlu

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 12:14:06 AM »
If I had a cat it would have gotten kicked 10 seconds after I did that.. I couldn't believe I did that as I was doing it...

I've done similar - started turning way before the merge, thinking I had the timing down, only to serve myself up on a silver platter. After I finished the turn and looked behind, bogey was on my tail at 400 separation. I had solved the ACM problem for him.

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Offline Agent360

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2009, 06:30:22 PM »
I've done similar - started turning way before the merge, thinking I had the timing down, only to serve myself up on a silver platter. After I finished the turn and looked behind, bogey was on my tail at 400 separation. I had solved the ACM problem for him.

The "merge" is the point where the planes pass each other.

You have to remember there all kinds of OPENING merges. Its like chess. Typically we think of merging as what happens AFTER the merge.

But there is more to the merge.

Each dual can have different rules. For example a rule can be made to say that "fight on" occurs when icon range is reached (you can see the red icon). Or when you can see the dot.

I consider the fight ON when I see the DOT. I call this "dot vis". This means I can begin to maneuver at this point. I can choose to hold nose on and merge co alt or I can do something different. All that matters is that both planes meet at the same alt. Co alt means when I see your dot we are at the same alt. Afther that point I can do what I want.

So I would call "dot vis" the point where I can make my opening MOVE (notice I didnt say MERGE). At some point during the opening move the planes will merge.

I am describing what happens before the merge.

This relates to either seperation or denial of seperation ON THE MERGE. Wheather I allow or deny seperation is dependant on the plane type I am fighting and my intended opening move.

Typically, if I turn to the right and create seperation from the merge, the bandit just keeps nose on and follows me. This is what I want. I am forcing him to make a turn. I then reverse to the does he....the point here is I AM DICTATING what he does....because he is RESPONDING to what I do. So I am controlling his moves even before the merge happens.

Further, I can choose to dive to the deck, stay co alt to head on, climb above, climb and turn left or right, or climb or dive and make a turn either way. All of this is BEFORE we merge.

Once I get the bandit responding to my actions I can do whatever I want. I can force an immediate head on merge or I can force the bandit to turn while I just extend out. It's totally up to me. At this point I am in total control.

There are many options open to me....the pure lead turn...the early turn....the early rope....the low flat turn...and others.

If I just merge head on I have NO CONTROL over what is happening. Now we turn either into a one circle or two circle fight depending on what happens AFTER the head on merge. This is nothing more than a gamble. You may or may not win the advantage and get a better merge angle.

There is another option as well. The SECOND merge. You can force a second merge as well. And you can even make an opening move for the second merge but that is another subject.

Here are a few graphics to illustrate what I am saying.

AAn example of controlling the bandits reaction BEFORE the merge
Black circles are the dot vis. Black line is the beggining of the reaction.

A one circle merge

A two circle merge

« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 06:33:21 PM by Agent360 »

Offline MutleyBR

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2009, 02:24:15 AM »
Someone got my crayons... :rolleyes:

Now can't play anymore... :cry

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: How could I have won? 109K4 vs P38 film inside
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2009, 01:46:47 PM »
Someone got my crayons... :rolleyes:

Now can't play anymore... :cry


Hey agent is improving.... he used to write on his monitor.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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