Author Topic: Typhoon & Tempest Modeled Wrong. (superfly read)  (Read 248 times)

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Typhoon & Tempest Modeled Wrong. (superfly read)
« on: May 19, 2001, 06:57:00 PM »
This is what an actual typhoon pilot told me when he saw it (my dear old grandad) He said.

The air intake on both are too big.
The tail-plane is in the wrong place.

In the typhoon torque was not much of a problem because they built the tailplane offset to counteract the torque.

This is not a squeak just friendly advice + If you are intrested I have the pilots handbook for the Typhoon that was issued with the aircraft along with the info on the Sabre mkII and IIa engines. If your intrested great if not then just ignore me  

My old gramps was a test pilot and a ferry pilot after he did his ops in the typhoon. (134 in all and he got a DFC) P51's, Spitfires, Tomahawks etc... If you need any help on the FM's then just gime a call.