Have a nice day wrongway.
Seems I am the one responsible for you acting like an idiot. Yes, it is my fault people chose to violate the forum posting rules. Yes, it is my fault people will not always complain ("Report to moderator" link) about someone breaking said forum rules. Sure, why not make it my fault that you pissed on HTC because you you cannot have it your way? This is not Burger King.
I guess it is also my fault you chose to be as disrespectful as you can in our house. Oh darn, I forget I am supposed to roll over and allow you to be as derogatory towards us as you want to be. I am supposed to just suck it up and take it. Well, I guess that is just a short-coming of mine. Deal with it.
Did someone forget to tell me "political" discussions were light-hearted? I must have missed that memo.
One last tidbit. Just because I am the most visible on the boards, from HTC, does not mean I act in a vacuum. I could easily create a dummy board account to use for moderation, but I chose to use my own name because I think it only fair you know who has to babysit this mess.