Author Topic: Rolling Perk Set  (Read 1583 times)

Offline lazs1

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Rolling Perk Set
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2001, 08:25:00 AM »
blauk.. he not only brought up my 'stats' on the planes I fly but my K/D against "perk" rides.  I merely (and correctly) said that how I do against perk rides is of little consequence it is how the perk ridews do in general... and speaking of that... do you honestly belive that their 3 to 1 or so K/D is simply because the guys who fly em are.. extra careful??  LOL.. more likeley their (perk planes) K/d is artificially low vbecause of the idiotic perk system... eople don't fly em enough to get good and they are a despised and prized target.   They must be damn unbalancing to do as well as they do.

Oh... I belive that the F4U  allows me to fight the largest amount of planes in the current arena.  It is not the best at anything but it will suffice to have enough parity to fight about anything.   I admit to flying it rather foolishly, heading into low alt furballs, but It aquits itself Ok if you spend some time learning it.

And.... I stand by my idea of what most people think is fun.   I don't believe most people would find (after flying enough to get good) 3 or less kills per hour a lot of fun.... half a kill per long boring sortie.... a sortie spent climbing and looking for someone who doesn't see you.... cursing radar for stealling your kills... running at the first sign of loss of the overwhelming advantage.... picking off cripples that are trying to rtb (well, that parts fun tho)...   forcing people to fly to live means no one ever engages.   Those less cowardly become bored and leave...  I think you will find that most players find that unfun and anal.   Watch the arena.   see where people go.   give em a furball and they will attend.

This is a GAME...If We wanted organization and boredom.... we woulda stayed at work.

Offline CRASH

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Rolling Perk Set
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2001, 09:55:00 AM »
I thnink it's an excellent idea.  I, for one, think the MA has gotten completely boring, even with the recent release of 1.08.  I dont play 1/10th the time I used to and I'm a HUGE fan of flight sims.  This is hands down the absolute best game I've ever played on a computer, it's a damn shame it's become such a bore unnecessarily.  Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels like this, 90% of my squad doesn't play anymore either and we've been very active in MMOG's since AW first went to a windows version.  Most of us have spent years now in one sim or another flyin' our p51's against the horde's of spit drivers. It's gotten boring.  
     What's the solution you ask? Well, in my view I'd like to see this type of a rolling plane set introduced along with a two sided map representing say the European theatre.  I wanna fly the historical matchups some.  I want to get out there with  my flight of 15 or 20 p51b's and mix it up with a like number of 109's and fw's.
     Maybe next month do the same thing in the pacific theatre for a week. Maybe, during prime time we could have a trainer or AH staffer post historical strategic mission for each side with extra perks offered for participation (although I think participation would be high without the incentive).  
     Yeah, Yeah, I the scenarios you say.  Well, they just dont come along that often, are cumbersome to organize and difficult to schedule time in advance.  One has to be willing to alter ones life schedule in advance to make time for a game....thats a little too much of a commitment for many of us who simply fly when we find we have the free time.  Fly the Combat arena?  Well, fine, but there's no numbers there, not because players dont like the idea but because most people go where the numbers are to get in a few quick fights before the wife comes home or their favorite tv show comes on at 10 o'clock or they simply dont have the patience to spend lots of time looking for a fight.  I think given the chance most people would apreciate the chance to participate in this kind of historical play occasionally.
     Could I be accused of trying to force other players into my game? Sure, but the fact is that we've all been playing the MA game for years now and it's gotten stale.  Historical terrains and matchups isn't too much to ask for one week a month.  Hell, we could even test it out with just one weekend and see how people like it.
     Technically the game is absolutely fantastic, none better, it's time to put all this potential to good use.  


[ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: CRASH ]