You really expect many on here to:
A: Know what a Z-score is?
Actually, more would know than you might expect because I've posted about Zscores in the past:,264759.0.htmlB: Know how to interpret those graphs correctly?
I'm pretty impressed you took the time to do them....or rather, you took the time to tell Excel to do them Very nice analysis, BTW. Used Soda's charts for the raws?
Some of the data comes from gonzo's charts, and some I tested myself. I didn't start from scratch. A lot of the work had already been done by 442w30, but I added some new categories and tested things that I thought were important, like dive acceleration, turn rate, etc.
Now I just have to get the motivation to finish the B-239 and I-16.
FYI, for those who are wondering, here is a nice explanation of what Zscores mean:
...all of these scores are on a curve. The Z-Score curve is a bell curve. -2.00 = a score that is just over 2% better than all the rest of the POSSIBLE scores. Possible not necessarily meaning exisiting. -1 = better than just under 16%, 0.00 = right at 50%, 1.00 = better than just over 84%, 2.00 = better than just over 97%. So you see (or maybe not) that the better or worse a score is, the further up the curve it is and in reality the more impressive it is.
Because of the nature of Z-Scores and the bell curve, a 2.00 in one category is the SAME as a 2.00 in another, or any other like number. Z-Scores turn apples and oranges comparisons into Apples to apples....