Lots of threads/arguments happen over getting HOd or gangbanged on forums or 200. I used to do it myself a lot until I realized(and matured) it was my own damn fault. When you take a plane up, you decide your situation for the most part. I know there are a lot of better pilots than me, but I thought I'd share my philosophy of handling the MA with the hope that maybe one of the newer folks could benefit. More busy than usual at work, so I'm just going to make a list instead of wordsmith. Most of this is just picked up from reading various sources with maybe(stressed) some of my own experience thrown in. I apologize to Steve in advance.
1) Understand that SA deals with the macro as well as the micro. You need to consider(regardless of how much you may think it sucks) that the MA has HOers and gangbangers. It's reality, if you disregard it, that is your own fault.
2) If you get HO'd, it is your fault for not saving enough E to avoid it. Just because you have someones 6 doesn't mean you need to hit the deck with them in order to get the kill. If there is a big darbar, figure out what it consists of before commiting to a kill. If someone finds you low and slow and HOs you after you spent all your E chasing a con who was no longer a threat(ie blew his E to run) for a kill, your bad, bro.
3) Alt is life, the more you have the better. You cannot manuever underneath the ground(well, usually, hi FireHwk!). 99% of gangbangs happen because a pilot made the bad choice of not storing enough E relative to the size of the darbar, or didn't take the time to get a good grasp of the situation before engaging. 10-15k is usually sufficient to get a good eyeball for the situation and still be able to avoid a gangbang.
4) don't enter a fight climbing. Get to your desired alt before entering the engagement with speed built up.
5) If you are flying alone, be wary of the line directly between contended bases. If the enemy base has radar up, move in and out of it in relation to the direction of the fight. If the main fight is happening east to west, brush the radar north or south. This will generally get you some easy kills on people who ignore #3 or think you are a bad c47. You get the idea. This not only helps you live as a soloist, but it draws resources(pilots) away from the main fight. Work those edges, brosef. It's very rare for someone to not come and investigate.
6) if you do decide to enter the main fight flying solo, adjust your attack path so that you are not flying towards either base on passes. If the fight is happening east to west, attack the line between from the north and south. This is especially good for finding a good 1v1 outside of the DA. Someone will eventually get mad enough to follow you away from the fight, seperating them from support coming into the fight and from being gangbanged by you own team.
7) Always keep some E around the main furball area, it helps a lot with the seperation tactic in #6.
8) Use a fast plane or one that dives well with good high speed response.
I'll add more later maybe or get rid if the post later
Oxys are a hell of a drug. I'll ignore the don't post unless you are totally sober rule for today.