I really wish some of you ch owners would really stop with your "I am better because of my stick and lets da to prove it to you". that is just silly. just give your opinion and leave it at that. no point in arguing, you guys love your ch, that is great, we love our x52 that is great and some others love just the keyboard that's great too.
there's no such thing as "do it right the first time" it all comes down to a matter of preference. I bought ch gear and lasted me one day. I have had my x52 ,which i bought to replace the ch, for 2 years and still works great. based on that i could say that ch makes crappy products, but that would not be true. same for the x52 more people have problems with x52 because more people prefer it/buy it over the ch.
Me, I am not willing to spend $300 for a product that will last forever. I would rather spend $100 on a product that will last me 2-3 years, then buy it again if I have to. but then again that is my preference you guys think spending 300 is better then a big