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Might be with the new rules that squad attendance is down.
Is there anybody in AH thats happy about anything????
. Every setup in at least the last 6 months has been picked over like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat. Its either plane set, maps, side splits, rules, alt caps, wind, or lack there of, or whatever else people can complain about. I know its human nature to complain, but this is getting plain nuts. I do NOT particulary agree with all the rules and setups my self, but I roll with it due to the fact, that VERY few people are spending their FREE time, trying to make something enjoyable for around 400 to 600 people for 2 hours, 3 times a month. And I love flying with my squaddies, it is the highlight of playing this game!
If there is a problem with rules or whatever else, adjust to it, but don't slam those who are trying to make it work for the other 500 people who are paying their money, just like you are. The latest rule changes have obviously hit a nerve with the AK's, not sure why, and frankly I don't care why, its your deal, not mine. If they kept FSO 100% realistic to the actual battles, there would be many who would not participate at all. As it is now, being short on planes that were in the actual battles, but we do not have in AH, its already a pain in the a--.
I think myself that if there are people out there who want things changed, then become a CM, get on the team, present your case and show why its needed, write a setup, and run it. Last I knew they were looking for a couple people, it may be a good opportunity to get in the door now.
Lastly, if all else fails, well then your left with lowering your commit numbers, and having to deal with it. Sorry to be blunt about it, but I don't sugar coat things, thats just me. Also don't let the fact that I'm in the 332nd fool ya, cause if I was an AK, I guarentee ya, this very same post would go up, word for word. Adapt, overcome, and move forward.