Cant speak to that but if there is 250 feet of snow on top of the 'Glacier Girl' site and sea water was no higher in the 1940s my money is on it not getting a whole lot higher if that snow melts.
Because the only other place in the world that that water could have possibly ever been was the ocean. Period. It's either the ocean, or as snow on top of
Glacier Girl, right? Can't be anywhere else in the world.....? Definately not as fresh water in rivers. Not snowpack in the Alps. Not water vapor. It's either ice over Glacier Girl, or it's in the ocean.
Such linear myopic vision, but, be as it were.
And you're right, sea level was no higher in the 40's.... it was LOWER in the 1940's. Whether you believe it or not, it is true. We may dance as to why it's happening. But the sea is rising. Look up the Mid Pacific Islanders that are losing their islands without subsidence of the coral atolls. (The land isn't sinking....and if the land isn't sinking....there's only one other thing that can be happening. Unless the gravitational field has lessened, and it only affects water.)