There is a large group of people in the world,and always has been,that feel inspired to try to make things better for their fellow man. There is any of a zillion causes out their. Many are legit,many more are just others taking advantage of this groups naivety,and willingness to jump on the bandwagon. While many may have started out with good intentions,they devolved into an elitist mentality that "they know whats best."
The followers of this Climategate will never admit they were taken for a ride by others making billions in profits from their gullibility. Its just not going to happen. They wont look at the data no matter HOW you present it. You can show them tree rings from hundreds of years,you can show them ice cores,you can show how the rural data has been shamelessly dropped from the data used to show temp levels,you can show them e mails and huge holes in the data stream that showed a downward trend in temps. None of it will matter to them.