In their minds they've figured it out and ended the debate. All who are not convinced or even question whether MMGW is real or not are labeled as Pseudoskeptics by them.
You either believe what they claim is fact, or you are just closed minded.
Thats why they have such a problem with anyone even debating. To them, there is no debate.
No. Bring some real evidence to the table. Then we'll debate it.
Sitting here calling me names without even attempting to disprove my postings with your supposed "facts" is not debating. In fact, you've brought absolutely zero to this discussion, besides deriding me personally, which gets you applause from the peanut gallery, but in reality, shows how little you understand the topic, or how much time you've even spent doing any research, let alone back-checking any of it.
And again, I'm not even really concerned about it. We'll face ecosystem collapse from ocean acidification (FROM CO2) long before AGW is strong enough to affect human living conditions.
The problem is, you have nothing to debate with. Zero. The empirical data is there. The historical data is there. Stop having your looney croney "scientists" at EXXON-MOBIL tell you it isn't, and open a few books up to understand. Usually, and unfortunately, they're the books
without pictures.