We aren't talking about a few percentages increase in CO2. We are talking about a change of a few hundreths of a percent. That's right -- all the alarm is about hundreths of a percent.
"We've doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere!!" say the alarmists. But doubling miniscule is still miniscule.
Someone wake me when we reach an entire one-tenth of one percent CO2 concentration.
We've already passed that point. We have gone there and three times over. If the graph continues to show an exponentialy increasing amount of CO
2, we can see some very strange things going on.
As you can see, the curve is exponential. And the end of that curve is past even y=x
2. So as we keep pumping it in, we can see some pretty weird things happening.
Now just so I can figure this out, what exactly are bickering, err, debating about? If it's Carbon Monoxide levels, those are still going up, up, up. If it's Carbon
Dioxide, that's going up exponentially. If it's CFC's, we are doing quite well at keeping them at low levels.
Even if oil can form abiologically, we will still require too much in other forms to just burn it. It's like burning sweaters (polyester), or vaccine syringes. Why destroy what we can use for useful things? We can't just burn it, this stuff is black gold- we can use it for a better purpose than just setting it on fire.
If there is a chance that we are destroying the
only planet we have, why take it? I mean if we had Mars and terraforming to fall back on, to heck with it! If we only have one, we should take care of it. What I'm saying is that burning oil can't just possibly wreck our environment, it can leave us without a survival asset.