I have a CH fighterstick. It sometimes seems like it goes out of calibration - works really fast on the left side, and normal on the right. Same way with the elevator controls - really super-dooper quick one direction, and normal the other.
I know that I've read about using a powered USB hub, and I've tried that and it doesn't seem to work all the time. My questions is: if the USB hub is an old one that was made for the older USB connections (1.0?), and my computer has the newer USB connections (2.0?), would that be creating the problem? If not, any ideas on what could be causing this?
I have calibrated the stick in both the CH contoller manager as well as the AH control setup area, and it still does it. I know that CH joysticks are supposed to be top of the line, so this is really puzzling me. Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions!