To any and all...For discussion only regarding future rules and scenarios...I am assuming the Mods locked the RSKS forums to avoid destructive arguments...
This will be a Constructive Argument concerning future rule sets and scenarios...Using the most recent scenario as an example...the rules for GV guys was: lives were used up when driving anything other than a troop transport...with exceptions for being killed by an aircraft or achieving a successful landing at an active base...
The rules stated that the troop transports DID NOT count as a life...
What is the general opinion on driving troop transports after all of your official life rides are used up?In other words: If you got killed 4 times in a it then OK to drive a troop transport?There is no correct answer to this question...only the RSKS rule set was
not explicit in this regard.
An argument
for implicit finding can be made on both sides of the coin:
You Can Drive Troop Transport with no lives left because it does not cost a life to use one in the first's just like being a gunner...
You Can Not Drive Troop Transport with no lives left because the rules suggest/request that 'when a player has no more lives he should volunteer to be a gunner...
Personally, I don't think its Kosher...but that is just a single man's opinion with no bearing.
What say you all on this?

OnewayCode Junkies Only: CheckMultipleLives() Code: the record here are the the number of sorties for all four frames where the drivers had exhausted all life rides, AND they were vehicle drivers driving a troop transport:
frame1 if (sortie.Ride.Style == RideStyle.Troop) cnt++; 9
frame2 if (sortie.Ride.Style == RideStyle.Troop) cnt++; 5
frame3 if (sortie.Ride.Style == RideStyle.Troop) cnt++; 19
frame4 if (sortie.Ride.Style == RideStyle.Troop) cnt++; 25
Total if (sortie.Ride.Style == RideStyle.Troop) cnt++; 58
And to flesh out the discussion a bit are the objects destroyed by these troop transport sorties. Its not trivial as two map room's were taken...
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 Strat Field Gun
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 Strat Field Gun
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 City Building
frame1 Field Gun
frame1 Town Building
frame1 Town Building
frame1 Field Gun
frame1 Field Gun
frame1 Town Building
frame1 Town Building
frame3 Town Building
frame3 Town Building
frame3 Town Building
frame4 Maproom
frame4 Maproomframe4 Field Gun
frame4 Field Gun
frame4 Field Gun
frame4 Field Gun
frame4 Field Gun
BBS Code Generated by AcesHigh.Scenario.LogReader Class
A Scenario Planning, Management & Analysis program written by Oneway in C# .NET 3.5