Author Topic: Bug in N1K2 Damage Mapping?  (Read 189 times)

Offline Vermillion

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Bug in N1K2 Damage Mapping?
« on: October 28, 1999, 09:49:00 AM »
Pyro, could you check that the damage mapping for aelirons on the N1K2 is correct? They might be bugged.

Last night, I repeatedly had the left aeliron shot off, but never the right. Once in three straight sorties, I lost only the left aeliron, from direct 6 attacks. Visually, the exterior view is mimmicking the damage list on the crtl-D feature.

However the strangest part is that when you lose a left aeliron, you lose roll control in both directions, as if you had both lost both aelirons ( other aircraft don't do this). It also seems that the amount of control loss, or degradation, is in a much greater magnitude compared to the other aircraft.

Hard to reproduce, but it happened at least 5 or more times last night, and it was consistent each time.

Also it seems that the N1K2 is excessively fragile, but I have written a more comprehensive post on that in Bulletheads "N1K Fragility " thread.

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,