At first I wasn’t able to duplicate this,* probably because I was using “Check Objects” instead of “Redo Objects”. I’ll point htc to this thread.
Bug: Using the “Redo Objects” button reports errors generated because of a conflict with (unnecessary?) tracks built into the cs city by the “Create All” tool.
Please, if the problem tracks are unnecessary, we need an erratum directing us to remove them. If they are necessary, then there’s a bug, and terrain builders need direction on how to manually fix it before submitting their terrain please.
More Details:
The track properties have a parameter to set the radius for the supply destination. If you set the parameter to 1 or 2 miles, all the tracks report the error, but if you set it for 8 miles, you pass all the tests, and there are trains installed at each track start. This might be the cause of the fast strat rebuilds reported in some of the forums. I think the strat might be getting 3 to 5 times the supplies it’s supposed to. I actually don’t think the extra tracks are necessary, and if the radius parameter works, only one track would be necessary for the whole cs city.
*Greebo, I ended up building a test terrain with HQs, airfields and maprooms for each country so that the Object Report wouldn't spit out any errors. I wanted to make sure I was checking trains and tracks, not something else. I got the same results that you did.