Author Topic: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders  (Read 7975 times)

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #45 on: December 21, 2009, 10:54:07 PM »
Frame 1: 13 GvBAP lists 4 pilots "killed" on our side of the logs, 251 GvBAP lists 3 (counting "by unknown players" -- not sure if 1way doing that also)

Basically only when it lists "15:21:02 Was shot down by HotRod1 (crashed)." [from tudza, frame1] does it add 1 to the death list.

That's how he added those up. So frame 1 would only net 7 by that criteria (as mentioned I disagree, I'm just trying to explain it more as it stands)

Edit: Checking the logs and updating as I do: By that criteria, no "deaths" in frame 2 at all. checking frame 3 and 4

Frame 3 would be 12 total for both units

Frame 4 would be 4 total for both. So given that I probably missed a couple here and there, like my disco counted as a death to somebody, that's around the 25 deaths listed. Again, not saying I agree, just clearing up the issue.

Yes of course I am counting unknown players....and in fact I actually match up the unknown player with an actual player by checking the other players kills...its how I get in the final analysis how many guys were killed by AutoGuns...for every unknown player that cannot be matched to an actual player with an actual kill is by default an autogun

And are correct that 7 pilots were shot down in Frame 1

And yes you are correct NO deaths in frame 2

Here is the code that reconciles unknown players by the way:

        private void AssignKnownVictors()
            // get a list of sorties with unknown victors
            List<Sortie> list = _Sorties.SearchVictor("UNKNOWN");
            foreach (Sortie sortie in list)
                Kills kills = _Sorties.Kills.ByFrame(sortie.Frame).ByVictim(sortie.Pilot);
                foreach (Kill kill in kills)
                    if (Sortie.ContainsTimeStamp(sortie, kill.TimeStamp))
                        sortie.Victor = kill.Sortie.Pilot;

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 10:57:02 PM by oneway »

Offline Strip

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2009, 10:56:33 PM »
Well if he wants to total reinvent the wheel so be it......I dont agree with his methods either but oh well. This system is totally different than any method used in the MA or scenarios for the most part hence the confusion. Oneway, do as you please with regards to scoring, I will enjoy the scenario regardless of its scoring means.

By that definition I would agree to 25, however your definition of death is in serious misalignment with common practice.


Offline Strip

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #47 on: December 21, 2009, 11:01:34 PM »
Forgive me...

How do account for our entire first sortie of frame 4?

Both of our entire squadrons were shotdown by enemy aircraft resulting in 13 (if memory serves me) scenario "lives" being lost.

You only have three deaths listed, a big discrepancy of data verses logic applied to real life.....hence why we disagree on what constitutes a "death".

Edit: Changed four to three owing the fact that one was over an hour later and was unrelated.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 11:04:48 PM by Strip »

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #48 on: December 21, 2009, 11:02:04 PM »
Well if he wants to total reinvent the wheel so be it......I dont agree with his methods either but oh well. This system is totally different than any method used in the MA or scenarios for the most part hence the confusion. Oneway, do as you please with regards to scoring, I will enjoy the scenario regardless of its scoring means.

By that definition I would agree to 25, however your definition of death is in serious misalignment with common practice.



I am displaying the data consistent with the public LOGS for a Reason...BY CHOICE

If someone wants to actually bother to look at the logs they will find the output is EXACTLY consistent with the public data...

In the end I don't care what people want to call a death or a life or a ride or a machine...

They will be able to set the program up any way they see has already been programmed...

There are little boxes you check:

Ditch Counts as Life (true/false)
Bail Counts as Life (true/false)
Crash Counts as Life (true/false)
Drone (Counts as Life) (true/false)

Its not a flaw that the K/D is displayed as simply mirrors what AH lists as Kills and Deaths on its LOG output...

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2009, 11:03:01 PM »
Forgive me...

How do account for our entire first sortie of frame 4?

Both of our entire squadrons were shotdown by enemy aircraft resulting in 13 (if memory serves me) scenario "lives" being lost.

You only have four deaths listed, a big discrepancy of data verses logic applied to real life.....hence why we disagree on what constitutes a "death".


Give it a rest...son

I am showing you the sortie OUTCOME...not your interpretation of a Death....AND IT IS EXACTLY AS THE LOG SHOWS

Unlike your wild accusations and inuendo above which I find quite insulting to be honest

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 11:04:53 PM by oneway »

Offline Strip

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2009, 11:11:28 PM »
Please, go attack someone else....your little comments mean nothing and affect me even less. You would rather attack me personally than anything else, at least I ignore the source and state my mind unbiased of the origin.

Whether you reply or not, makes no difference, my statement stands. In frame four 13 or 14 formations of B-25s were shot down in the first 30 minutes of frame four. For whatever reason you have only chose to count three as deaths, hardly logical in my mind. Nothing can be said or done that would sway me other wise.

You have proven one thing though......

Edit: Never mind, I have spent enough time on this, choose to do as you wish as is your right. Don't be surprised at the repercussions, I am done with this thread though. Save yourself the reply....I wont be reading it.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 11:15:46 PM by Strip »

Offline Krusty

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2009, 11:19:14 PM »
I am showing you the sortie OUTCOME...not your interpretation of a Death....AND IT IS EXACTLY AS THE LOG SHOWS

... here's the thing....

Those logs themselves are an inaccurate interpretation of what a death is many times. The logs on are very generalized. They give players an idea of what goes on, but even the CMs don't read these. The CMs go into the real logs.

What we see on must itself be interpreted, as well, because we don't have access to those detailed line-by-line logs (nor will we ever, CMs only).

If you want to code a program to read the summary output from, you will need to find a way to best describe things. It's not absolute. Frame 2 may show no losses from being killed, but I promise you there were many a drone lost due to ack, manuvering to avoid attackers, and other reasons.

I don't think you can apply a totally logical tilt to filtering these logs, since filtering them (the act itself) is subjective as we see in the case of bomber drones.

Perhaps better to mainstream a few of the settings (such as kills, deaths, and so on) before handing the keys over to the CMs ;)

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #52 on: December 21, 2009, 11:34:42 PM »

The logs do not show a death when a drone is loss.  But they do show a kill of a specific plane type when that occurs.  Try running your program to count the number of B-25 kills each frame.
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
The names of the innocent and the guilty have not been changed.
As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2009, 11:42:07 PM »

The logs do not show a death when a drone is loss.  But they do show a kill of a specific plane type when that occurs.  Try running your program to count the number of B-25 kills each frame.

I have done that Fencer...I chose not to include loss of Drones as "Deaths" in the initial table...I chose not include ditch/bail/capture etc as a death....

As I mentioned above...with the exception of drones lost to maneuvering (when nowhere near an enemy - proxy NOT awarded AND the pilot lands his sortie), I have total and complete control over the drone situation...99.9% of the drones are accounted for...

Here is the table when you apply Krusty style Death to the event...including drones...with the exception of Vanished/Disco...Scenarios do not count Disco as Death

Its not the data....or my code...Its rock solid and can pump out any flavor desired... it is

NOTE: This data set includes landing at the wrong base as a LIFE

The Machines:

Fighter   Sorties   Kills   Lives       K/L     Destroyed   Field   Factory  
Bf 109G-149080671.19110
Bf 109G-612138950.40202
Bf 109K-411982970.85330
Bf 110G-2286190.321610161
Fw 190A-84010190.53110
Fw 190D-9162143981.46110
Fw 190F-8183991130.88477145332
Il-2 Type 314131910.341661633
Ju 88A-49191920.05505137368
Sherman VC Firefly163701150.6162593
Panzer IV H9330700.43271116
Tiger I104121791.53672344
SdKfz 2511061630.0221210
Gun Ship or Field157140----12120

BBS Code Generated by AcesHigh.Scenario.LogReader Class
A Scenario Planning, Management & Analysis program written by Oneway in C# .NET 3.5
Number of Auto-Generated Chars = 8960

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 11:54:48 PM by oneway »

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #54 on: December 22, 2009, 12:05:09 AM »
Like I mentioned...

I already know who killed what and when...

wnt2/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:59
wnt2/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame4 at 14:57:28
DrDea/Fw 190F-8  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 16:36:08
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down cactus/B-25C frame1 at 15:17:43
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down cactus/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:12
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down cactus/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:28
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down gas50/B-25C frame1 at 16:31:52
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 16:32:59
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 14:38:53
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:05
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:18
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down Duke/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:40
Fencer/Fw 190F-8  shot down Duke/B-25C frame3 at 14:40:04
Fencer/Gun Ship or Field  shot down Harpij/B-25C frame4 at 17:16:30
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame1 at 15:17:38
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:24
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:48
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame1 at 15:19:37
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down gas50/B-25C frame3 at 14:38:56
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down gas50/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:09
gavagai/Fw 190F-8  shot down Duke/B-25C frame3 at 14:40:25
Hajo/Fw 190F-8  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 14:40:46
Hajo/Fw 190F-8  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 14:40:46
Joker1/Fw 190F-8  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame1 at 15:17:34
Joker1/Fw 190F-8  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:07
Joker1/Fw 190F-8  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:53
lothmog/Fw 190F-8  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:24
lothmog/Fw 190F-8  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:14
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:17
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:19
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:35
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down cooley/B-25C frame3 at 14:38:51
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down cooley/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:02
TheMaj/Fw 190F-8  shot down cooley/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:10
Galland9/Bf 109G-6  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 16:18:32
Galland9/Bf 109G-6  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 16:18:36
Wedge/Bf 109G-6  shot down unclkurt/B-25C frame1 at 16:17:56
Wedge/Bf 109G-6  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame1 at 16:18:32
Wedge/Bf 109G-6  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame1 at 16:18:37
Heater/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame1 at 15:18:45
Heater/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame1 at 15:19:40
Heater/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:46
HotRod1/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame1 at 14:48:54
HotRod1/Bf 109G-14  shot down Doc72CH/B-25C frame1 at 14:54:39
HotRod1/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame1 at 15:21:02
Magpie/Bf 109G-14  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 14:46:42
Magpie/Bf 109G-14  shot down Hibbie2/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:53
SoonerMP/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:16
SoonerMP/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:16
SoonerMP/Bf 109G-14  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 15:21:10
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame1 at 14:50:36
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down Doc72CH/B-25C frame1 at 14:52:04
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 15:20:59
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down Strip/B-25C frame1 at 15:21:48
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down Strip/B-25C frame1 at 15:22:02
Twizzty/Bf 109G-14  shot down Hibbie2/B-25C frame1 at 15:22:21
VANDALS/Bf 109G-14  shot down Hibbie2/B-25C frame1 at 15:22:15
VANDALS/Bf 109K-4  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 16:51:37
Akondo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame3 at 16:11:56
Akondo/Fw 190D-9  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:03
Akondo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 16:36:46
Babalon/Fw 190D-9  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:11:50
Babalon/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:14:49
Babalon/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame3 at 16:15:11
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame2 at 16:51:16
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame2 at 16:52:09
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame2 at 16:52:37
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:08:39
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame3 at 16:11:20
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame3 at 16:11:26
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame3 at 16:15:11
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame3 at 16:15:48
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:06
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:51
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame3 at 16:58:19
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame3 at 16:58:39
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame3 at 16:59:49
HiSpd/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame4 at 14:52:49
JVnotch/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:53:24
JVnotch/Fw 190A-8  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame4 at 16:39:35
JVnotch/Fw 190A-8  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame4 at 16:40:34
thorsim/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame3 at 16:07:36
thorsim/Fw 190D-9  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:07:56
thorsim/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 16:54:02
wagger/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:56
wagger/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame4 at 14:58:52
Wraith/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:09
Wraith/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:26
Wraith/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:52
Fudgums/Bf 109K-4  shot down gas50/B-25C frame2 at 16:57:01
MiG/Bf 109K-4  shot down Teufel/B-25C frame1 at 16:14:58
SunsFan/Bf 109K-4  shot down Strip/B-25C frame1 at 16:13:30
SunsFan/Bf 109K-4  shot down tudza/B-25C frame1 at 16:14:52
boingg/Fw 190D-9  shot down glennco/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:11
boingg/Fw 190D-9  shot down glennco/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:54
boomerlu/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:00:46
boomerlu/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame4 at 14:56:38
boomerlu/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame4 at 14:58:09
CANUKK/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:53
CANUKK/Fw 190D-9  shot down OzzyRev/B-25C frame4 at 14:56:46
CANUKK/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame4 at 14:57:12
Frodo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame3 at 15:59:40
Frodo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame3 at 15:59:44
Frodo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame3 at 15:59:45
Frodo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame4 at 14:57:51
Morfiend/Fw 190D-9  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:29
Spinner/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 15:59:48
Spinner/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 16:00:12
Spinner/Fw 190D-9  shot down Strip/B-25C frame4 at 14:57:32
Stampf/Fw 190D-9  shot down Harpij/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:22
Stampf/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:32
Stampf/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:44
Stampf/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:22
Turner/Fw 190D-9  shot down tudza/B-25C frame4 at 14:53:40
Turner/Fw 190D-9  shot down Strip/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:36
rob53/Bf 109G-14  shot down Duke/B-25C frame3 at 15:46:24
rob53/Bf 109G-14  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 15:46:32
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down LTHopper/B-25C frame3 at 15:48:12
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 15:48:31
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 15:48:41
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 16:37:40
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 16:38:27
shamus/Bf 109G-14  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 16:38:50
Voudou/Bf 109G-14  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 15:47:20
Voudou/Bf 109G-14  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 16:51:49
Voudou/Bf 109G-14  shot down Duke/B-25C frame3 at 16:52:29
Redtail7/Bf 110G-2  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame2 at 16:24:55
Redtail7/Bf 110G-2  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame2 at 16:25:04
Redtail7/Bf 110G-2  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame2 at 16:25:34
Beefcake/Gunner-Observer  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:10:11
Nutzoid/Fw 190F-8  shot down gas50/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:01
Nutzoid/Fw 190F-8  shot down Strip/B-25C frame3 at 14:39:24
GE063/Bf 109K-4  shot down gas50/B-25C frame3 at 16:51:40
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame2 at 16:50:16
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame2 at 16:51:13
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down Krusty/B-25C frame2 at 16:55:34
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down GypsyB/B-25C frame3 at 16:53:20
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame3 at 16:55:43
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 16:37:14
4510/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 16:37:24
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 16:01:53
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down OzzyRev/B-25C frame4 at 14:53:16
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 14:53:23
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down gas50/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:19
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down tudza/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:31
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down tudza/B-25C frame4 at 14:55:30
horble/Fw 190D-9  shot down cactus/B-25C frame4 at 14:57:04
FOXTROT1/Wirbelwind  shot down tudza/B-25C frame3 at 15:07:09
JVlobo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Beefcake/B-25C frame3 at 16:54:10
JVlobo/Fw 190D-9  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:55:25
JVlobo/Fw 190D-9  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:55:39
JVlobo/Fw 190D-9  shot down A8hunter/B-25C frame3 at 16:56:05
JVlobo/Fw 190D-9  shot down Soulyss/B-25C frame3 at 16:57:24
10thMD/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 14:53:39
10thMD/Fw 190D-9  shot down Strip/B-25C frame4 at 14:59:01
Choppit/Fw 190D-9  shot down OzzyRev/B-25C frame4 at 14:53:30
Choppit/Fw 190D-9  shot down Popsman/B-25C frame4 at 14:54:37

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2009, 02:33:03 AM »
Here is the table when you apply Krusty style Death to the event...including drones...with the exception of Vanished/Disco...Scenarios do not count Disco as Death

This is the way I too have used to calculate the K/D. Did I understand correctly that your program can be configured how it counts the deaths? If that is the case, it is great and I do not see the point of this whole argument here since both ways can be used.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2009, 10:50:52 AM »
I think it was a bit of confusion spiralling into bitterness  :aok

I agree that it will be a nice tool, given that it's configurable.

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #57 on: December 22, 2009, 03:21:43 PM »

Your next pm gets sent to Skuzzy......stop now while you think your ahead.


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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #58 on: December 22, 2009, 03:28:22 PM »
Shouldn't that went through PM strip?
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #59 on: December 22, 2009, 04:06:30 PM »
Tried that already.....
