Author Topic: Practice Mission "AH has stopped working" message  (Read 222 times)

Offline Noah17

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Practice Mission "AH has stopped working" message
« on: December 22, 2009, 06:06:07 AM »
I've got editor issues again.

I copied/pasted a post from the mission editor area below because this may not be an editor problem. I can't open the practice mission area without a crash of the program.

I can't get the mission I've set up to show up in my practice mission area. I had one that only worked for a while before my enemy planes disappeared on me so I deleted that and started over. Now when I save it it shows up in the "offline mission" area. I don't know why. I saved it to the MisRes file; that's what I should do right?

If I try to load the "offline mission" file it says "Invalid file type."

If I try to go to the practice missions area AH completely shuts down and I get an Exe file error message. It won't let me open it.

Do I need to reload the mission editor or reload AH?

Silly....Any ideas?

I have reloaded Ace's High but the problem persists. Should I reload the editor.... Really can't figure this out.

Thanks for any help you could give me.