And I had an idea.... watch out!!
With Ranger's sandblst terrain coming along brilliantly, we will soon have (hopefully) maps representing the Pacific, summer European, and now North African theaters. The obvious hole is in the winter/Russian area, which does kind of suck because... well, beside that there are whitewashed skins in game, and that winter landscapes look awesome, a significant portion of the war took place with snow on the ground!
Now there are three 'periods' that come to mind (for me at least) when you talk about war in the snow; I think the most obvious is the Russian Front, with its miserable, muddy conditions and hard fought ground war; also Germany's final throes in the winter of '44-'45, the Battle of the Bulge, crossing the Rhine, Bodenplatte, and of course the strategic bombing campaign during this period; and of course the 'Northern' section of this war, Finland's conflicts with the Soviet Union, over and among its hills, lakes and archipelagos.
Sooo... I thought... why not try to represent all of these fights? Especially with the water must be zero thing out the window finally, some of these great landscapes can be replicated...
And all with the same tileset, just with the densities adjusted as per the area. More forests, small lakes, small islands and hills to represent Finland (must admit I'm not familiar with Finland's topography so I don't know how 'mountainous' it is...), Russia (perhaps Ukraine more accurately?) with expansive, miserable, muddy plains, and Germany's Rhineland and cities, with many farms and well... cities (the country's strats would be in the 'Germany' zone).
Green represents the 'Finland' zone, brown the 'Russia' zone, and gray the 'Germany' zone, red would be 'cities', with blue representing water (imagine that!). Of course those are just demarcations, not to say that those zones would be predominately any color other than white

Yellow represents VBases / spawns, purple represents airfields, with their size denoting airfield size.
Now, brace yourself for my beautiful illustration....

Some notes...
I just meant a very rough illustration of the idea... not meant to represent a map that I think would actually 'work'- the proportions of the countries are off and I went 'hog wild' placing small airfields without thinking much of it. I'm also pretty sure the cities are ridiculously out of proportion even for a small map

There are some things to point out, though- there are 3 'tank towns' in the Russia zone, each straddling a river, with GV spawns going into them. This is meant to create a 'Stalingrad' type fight with a lot of fighting in tight streets. Spawns in may not be the best way to create this kind of fight but again... rough idea.
The spawns in general are meant to show where the major fighting 'should' be, how I envision it, not all of the spawns for those bases.
Small airfields litter the front, with increasingly larger ones further back, with large airfield in the 'Germany' zone.
Just a general idea I'm throwing out there, I don't mean to say that it's mine, or that I will make a map like this... I don't have the know how to make maps, and I don't know how easily I could figure it out... I'm a bit dumb when it comes to 'that stuff'