Author Topic: for the new players  (Read 11240 times)

Offline CountD90

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #180 on: February 01, 2010, 07:14:40 AM »
My flying style puts me about 100-400 off someones plane when I am fighting them, I like to get really close for my shots. A bonus to this is not many people can get front of me and shoot my target down, the times I get my kill stolen is when someone either dives in and gets them on one pass or shoulder shoots for the kill.

Shoulder shooting pissing me off the most out of the two, because the person doing knows that I'm fighting the plane and they can basically careless about it. When this happens I forget about my target for a bit and focus on getting this "friendly" off my 6 and stop him from clearing my 12, the easiest way is to get him to killshoot himself. For me it is just as satisfying to killshoot some shoulder shooting kill stealing tard than it is to win that 15 minute long 1v1 that everyone looks for. 
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Offline Blooz

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #181 on: February 01, 2010, 01:09:09 PM »
How do you insist that it the guys fault that kill shot himself. What responsibility does the tard have?   For the most part "those guys"   can not even come close to getting  the six or guns untill the guy u say is to blame reversed him.   Their allways the ones that cant figure out how there getting vulched on the runway.
Boooooooooooo on your mentality.

One more time. Just for you.

I'm on an enemy. You swoop in and get between me and my target. I have a choice. I can continue to shoot hoping I don't hit you and killshoot myself or I can hold my fire, pull off and see how things go and continue the fight if need be. Which is smarter? I think the latter (that's the hold your fire and see how things go part).

I can't control what you're going to do. Tards do what tards do and you're not going to change that. What you can do is keep cool and look out for #1 (that's yourself, keeping a cool head and staying out of the tower).

Any easier to understand now?

Boo my mentality? I think you'd better check your own because you clearly don't get it.
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #182 on: February 01, 2010, 05:52:55 PM »
How do you insist that it the guys fault that kill shot himself. What responsibility does the tard have?   For the most part "those guys"   can not even come close to getting  the six or guns untill the guy u say is to blame reversed him.   Their allways the ones that cant figure out how there getting vulched on the runway.  

Boooooooooooo on your mentality.

It's your trigger. You choose to pull it...or not.

NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline dedalos

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #183 on: February 02, 2010, 12:36:34 PM »
One more time. Just for you.

I'm on an enemy. You swoop in and get between me and my target. I have a choice. I can continue to shoot hoping I don't hit you and killshoot myself or I can hold my fire, pull off and see how things go and continue the fight if need be. Which is smarter? I think the latter (that's the hold your fire and see how things go part).

I can't control what you're going to do. Tards do what tards do and you're not going to change that. What you can do is keep cool and look out for #1 (that's yourself, keeping a cool head and staying out of the tower).

Any easier to understand now?

Boo my mentality? I think you'd better check your own because you clearly don't get it.

You guys are right.  Next time you get T-boned going through a green light, remember it is your fault.  It is your accelerator,  you chose to press it.  You should have used your head and stop at the green light and tulips the situation.  Think, is the taxi going to stop just because his light is red?  Hell no! Totally your fault for not using your head.  BTW, get a better SA nube  :rofl

Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #184 on: February 02, 2010, 01:20:08 PM »
You guys are right.  Next time you get T-boned going through a green light, remember it is your fault.  It is your accelerator,  you chose to press it.  You should have used your head and stop at the green light and tulips the situation.  Think, is the taxi going to stop just because his light is red?  Hell no! Totally your fault for not using your head.  BTW, get a better SA nube  :rofl

DOH!!   :D
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Offline Mar

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #185 on: February 02, 2010, 03:51:26 PM »
You guys are right.  Next time you get T-boned going through a green light, remember it is your fault.  It is your accelerator,  you chose to press it.  You should have used your head and stop at the green light and tulips the situation.  Think, is the taxi going to stop just because his light is red?  Hell no! Totally your fault for not using your head.  BTW, get a better SA nube  :rofl

 :rofl :rofl
𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓌𝒶𝓇'𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒶 𝒹𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝒾𝓇 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓈 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒

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Offline Wreked

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #186 on: February 02, 2010, 06:50:30 PM »
You guys are right.  Next time you get T-boned going through a green light, remember it is your fault.  It is your accelerator,  you chose to press it.  You should have used your head and stop at the green light and tulips the situation.  Think, is the taxi going to stop just because his light is red?  Hell no! Totally your fault for not using your head.  BTW, get a better SA nube  :rofl

TOTAL FAIL!!! (with all due respect of course) :)

That which you refer to is REAL life and yes you CAN be killed - actually I make a habit of always double checking when going through a light - some absolute terrible drivers out there -  :eek: - AND I've saved myself twice in the last year from some bozo running a light - go figure.

BUT here's my ponit : As we've been told repeatedly ad nauseum by the CircleFight Mafia....

NONE of this is REAL - it's just a cartoon.
You're not REALLY loosing a kill - NO ONE is being KILLED.
You're not REALLY killing yourself from shooting at 12 clearers. (killshooter) - if you want to be sure then next time stand up and see if you hurt anywhere or have any blood on you.
You're not REALLY crashing into the ground and blowing up - look around your room and see if there is any smoke or wreckage littering the floor.
The cartoon planes are FREE and you can get another cartoon one in an instant.

Now here is the BIGGEST FAIL that I see with some here.

Instead of actually doing something about it  they just whine and bash others over the head about it. FAIL!!

Better to make an attempt to EDUCATE them instead of alienateing them - your choice.

THAT"S what many are referring to when they say "You just don't get it".

I believe you'll find many here with the view " change people minds not bash them over the head" actually agree with you (as I do)  about how annoying this sort of  game play is - but it goes with the concept of it being a air combat flight sim. One of lifes annoyances - suck it up. If you can't live with this and do not want to take them aside to educate them towards your style of flying them maybe the DA is a better place for you all where there seems to be a "set" of rules that make you happy. Once again your choice.

Not saying you in particualar - just saying. No one here is telling you how you have to play - just thowing out some alternatives - it's obvious your actions so far don't seem to work.

Can't hurt to try educating some of them - up to you sirs.

...cheers eh! :D
HO is a HO is a HO!!
You can lead a donkey to a FACT - you just can't make them think!

cheers eh!!

Offline Wreked

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #187 on: February 02, 2010, 07:10:59 PM »
My question for you is this - If everyone upped the fastest most powerful plane and flew around Ho'ing every plane they saw , showing no respect for any form of air combat or ACM or other players - would the game be at all worth playing - would it survive ? Would anyone want to play it ?  

The people you are referring to , in most cases , have enjoyed the game for quite some time and don't want to see it deteriorate into some sort of adolescent video game fest. No, they can't "tell" anyone how to play the game , but they could possibly offer some suggestions based on their experience to now.

Then educate instead of the constant head bashing and whining - might actually do some good.

I tried AH last year for the 2-week(?) trial and left in disgust - nothing but petchulent adolescents who took offense when a "newbie" shot em down - most of them with 5-7+ years in the game - pretty disappointing.

But I gave it a second chance - detuned 200 - and I don't pay attention to the Mafia who can't see beyond their noses ( i do love yanking em tho  lol). I fly this purely as an air combat sim (not that good tho) - others are welcome to fly any way they want - I'd never tell anyone how they should fly - I WILL comment on attitudes that are inapproriate tho.

I've noticed that you sir seem to be a pretty good stick - you do fly alot of high end machines - F6F/Spit16/F4u - so I guess I take that into account when weighing your comments and give them all due respect.

Let me know when you fly some dogs for 4-5 months straight and I suspect I'll have give your comments more wieght.

I fly exclusively FW190A8 - 100% fuel c/w DT. - WHY??  because it is a challenge.

Safe skies!

....cheers eh! :D
HO is a HO is a HO!!
You can lead a donkey to a FACT - you just can't make them think!

cheers eh!!

Offline Redd

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #188 on: February 02, 2010, 07:50:53 PM »
Then educate instead of the constant head bashing and whining - might actually do some good.

I tried AH last year for the 2-week(?) trial and left in disgust - nothing but petchulent adolescents who took offense when a "newbie" shot em down - most of them with 5-7+ years in the game - pretty disappointing.

But I gave it a second chance - detuned 200 - and I don't pay attention to the Mafia who can't see beyond their noses ( i do love yanking em tho  lol). I fly this purely as an air combat sim (not that good tho) - others are welcome to fly any way they want - I'd never tell anyone how they should fly - I WILL comment on attitudes that are inapproriate tho.

I've noticed that you sir seem to be a pretty good stick - you do fly alot of high end machines - F6F/Spit16/F4u - so I guess I take that into account when weighing your comments and give them all due respect.

Let me know when you fly some dogs for 4-5 months straight and I suspect I'll have give your comments more wieght.

I fly exclusively FW190A8 - 100% fuel c/w DT. - WHY??  because it is a challenge.

Safe skies!

....cheers eh! :D

Where am I bashing or whining ?  I made a statement encouraging new players to learn some ACM and how to apply it.

Nice that you fly a "real man's"  plane - good for you. Most people who fly it resort to a HO as their primary form of attack - I'm glad you don't.  I happen to like navy planes , although I've recently switched to the 51 a little because I'm sick of never being able to catch anyone in the Hellcat. The 51 does an excellent job of running down 190's ;)

I come from a land downunder

Offline Oldman731

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #189 on: February 02, 2010, 08:49:27 PM »
Let me know when you fly some dogs for 4-5 months straight and I suspect I'll have give your comments more wieght.

..I...uh...I can attest that Redd flys the woofers very adroitly.....

Congrats on flying the A8 regularly.  Next to the P40B, I consider the A8 to be the most difficult plane in AH2 to fly well (assuming that you neither pick nor HO).

- oldman

Offline Redd

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #190 on: February 02, 2010, 10:38:13 PM »

Congrats on flying the A8 regularly.  Next to the P40B, I consider the A8 to be the most difficult plane in AH2 to fly well (assuming that you neither pick nor HO).

- oldman

It would be pretty much impossible to fly the A8 in the MA and not rely on cherrypicking in one form or another to give you the bulk of you kills. It is not a plane capable of mixing it up with the sort of plane set seen in the MA these days. If you're into "survival" flying and buff hunting the a8 is not a bad choice , big cannons , reasonable speed for a quick egress , but I don't think I've ever seen anyone fly it as a "dogfighter" as such . Hmm maybe Nath might have in his heyday, he did some pretty freaky things in 109's and 190's.

I wouldn't recommend it to a new pilot as a plane to learn the game in , it's very restrictive , and really limits your opportunity to learn the various styles of fighting you will need to become a well rounded pilot .....just imo.   To someone  new I would always suggest , learn angles fighting first , then learn to Bnz , then put it all together and become proficient an all round E-fighter.

I come from a land downunder

Offline thorsim

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #191 on: February 02, 2010, 11:20:40 PM »
when you can solve your angles in the a8, the better turn-fighters are easy ...

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

Offline dedalos

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #192 on: February 03, 2010, 07:52:47 AM »

If you can't live with this and do not want to take them aside to educate them towards your style of flying them maybe the DA is a better place for you all where there seems to be a "set" of rules that make you happy. Once again your choice.

lol, but I can live with it.  I can also post here and make fun of the people that do that.  Educate them?  Really?  You think they did not know what they were doing?  Have you ever tried to talk to one of the know everything two weekers?  Their most common answer is "Hey, if you don;t like it got to the DA where you can have your 'set' of rules".  Wow, that sounds familiar  :confused:

So, I don't like it, but I can talk about it.  Ohh, hey, maybe if they cant live with us complaining about them, maybe they can go in the DA lake where they can have their own "set" of rules.  Works both ways, no?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Wreked

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #193 on: February 03, 2010, 09:18:46 AM »
lol, but I can live with it. ............................. ...
............................. ............................. ................Works both ways, no?

roger dodger - touche <S>

...cheers eh! :D
HO is a HO is a HO!!
You can lead a donkey to a FACT - you just can't make them think!

cheers eh!!

Offline Steve

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Re: for the new players
« Reply #194 on: February 03, 2010, 10:37:01 AM »

Nice that you fly a "real man's"  plane - good for you. Most people who fly it resort to a HO as their primary form of attack - I'm glad you don't. 

I have fought both of these guys and they didn't "resort" to the HO, they went for it as first opportunity. I'm ambivalent about it.  They fly a sturdy 4 cannon bird; few planes are more suited for HO'ing than the A/F 8's. *shrug*
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