Source:,279433.0.html2008 TOC winner: Bruv119
2009 Winners: AKDogg, BatfinkV, Bosco[2], DrBone, Grizz, Helbent, Kazaa[2], Krupnski, Lazer, RumbleB, SunsFan[2], Tonyjoey[7], WMLute
2009 Wabbits: 100Chewi[3], 18Whiskey, AKDogg[3], B4Buster, BatfinkV, Bosco[2], Darth2, Grizz[4], Irish, Ironman, Kazaa, Krupnski[3], oSCOTCHo, Phanta, slimmer, SunsFan[3], TC, TonyJoey[2], WMLuteKoth break down for last year
2009 winners of a Koth event = 13 ( some won koth more than once...One won 7 times!!!)
2009 wabbits = 19 (this includes koth winners who were wabbits as well)
2009 wabbits who did not win an event = 10
2009 wabbits who did not win an event but were wabbits 1 time = 9
2009 wabbits who did not win an event but were wabbits 2 or more times = 1
2009 total Koth events = 22
Taking 2009 Koth stats as an example and using 2 wabbits wins a requirement to get an invite to TOC
We would have a total of ONE PLAYER who would have received and invite to the TOC based on a 2 or more wabbit wins.
The TOC then would have been made up of 13 KOTH winners and ONE player who did not win a KOTH but did get 2 wabbits or more.
So a total of 14 players in the TOC.
TonyJoey won 7 times so this skewed the numbers a bit. If he only won 2 times then that would mean either some of the KOTH winners would have possibly won more than 1 time or some who won 2 may have won a third.
Statistically, if you win a Koth event you were very likely to be a wabbit 2 times or more.
So this means that if you make the rule of having 2 wabbits or more and Not winning an event a requirement to get an invitation to TOC you statistically only get 1 or 2 players who get the invite without winning an event.
If the rule was applied to last years events then there would have been only 1 player to get in invite who did not win a koth.
As you can see there were 10 players who were wabbits once. The 2 or wabbit rule would have eliminated them from the TOC.
Statistically this means limiting the TOC to Koth event winners only.
So I think the question is do we only allow winners of a Koth event to the TOC. Its either all winners or 1 wabbit wins plus winners. That is the question.