There is nothing difficult about scoring and stats once you know how to game the game and have the patience and hours to spend doing it.
Uh, Can you tell me how, please? I could use the help.
I was happy to spend about an hour and get 6/3 kills/assists tonight and to actually land 4 of 'em (wow!)... and I only died twice and bailed once. Man, I felt like King Sh*t. That was better than usual for me.
Does this, then, father, make me a punk-a** bee-atch (pab)?
Probably. I'm happy at any k/d better than 1 right now.
You come across as a little bitter. I mean, this is for fun, these guys are your virtual mates and share a common interest The forum's about edutainment. Of course somebody's going to post up something like this. It's coin of the realm. Why p*ss in the cornflakes?
One point you make on which I conditionally agree: nobody really cares about another guy's score - unless it's really noteworthy.