Badboy would you post EM diagrams for all the 38's at all flap positions please?
Yep, here is a current P-38L EM diagram.
It is a bit cluttered, because there are four diagrams in one. Since the first three flap settings were under discussion I've only overlaid the EM diagrams for those positions. The diagram has good resolution but may not display well in your browser, it might be better to download it and display it in a graphics package that will make it easier to read.

This clearly shows the effect of flaps on maneuverability, and you can see that the turn radius and instantaneous turn rate is improved continuously as each notch of flaps is employed. For example, you can see that at 200mph the instantaneous turn rate increases by more than 7dps with 3 notches of flaps and the turn radius drops from over 800ft to below 650ft.
However, you will notice that the sustained turning ability increases with the first and second notch, but then levels off and drops very slightly by the third. This would suggest that over this range of the envelope, the aerodynamic efficiency peaks somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd notch. It is also interesting to note that when the flaps are deflected by one notch, the Ps performance of the P-38 improves at all speeds below 215mph. Which setting you would choose to use in combat, and indeed, if you should deflect the flaps even more, would depend on the situation and type of fight you are in.
But now you can see how the flaps effect the maneuverability of the P-38, you can judge for yourself.
Hope that helps...