Author Topic: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a  (Read 1924 times)

Offline flatiron1

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f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« on: February 21, 2010, 02:29:05 PM »
Other than the cockpit view and a maybe a little more weight with the 1-A what are the main in-game performance differences in the two planes? The evaluation and comparison  websites are not helping here.

edit: well I did look at the wiki and found some info on the differences in real life.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 02:38:02 PM by flatiron1 »

Offline Plazus

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 02:35:16 PM »
Well the -1 is pretty much the same speed and acceleration as the -1A at all altitudes. Id say the most notable difference is the turn radius. The -1 has a tighter turn radius than the -1A. Ive flown both models many times, and can say they have very similar handling characteristics. Like the other Corsairs, refrain from excessive use of vertical manuevers; unless you have plenty of E. Flaps are amazing as well, and will help you hang on your prop longer than most other aircraft.
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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 02:37:14 PM »
The biggest easily noticeable difference is in accelleration and climb.  The 1A's paddle prop makes the difference there. Don't believe me drag race a -1 vs 1a. The -1 has a slightly better top speed but takes it a good while to get there.  There's some other slight differences in handling between the two but you would have to get real comfortable with one to notice the difference in the other.

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Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 06:07:02 PM »
The F4U-1 might have a tighter RADIUS but it is slower, but the F4U-1A has a Better Sustained Turn Rate & Sustained Turn Speed

The F4U-1A  accelerates faster, climbs better, and I am thinking it is faster on top end as well....... or nearly identical......

as BigRat posted, the F4U-1A's paddle prop makes the difference

The F4U-1 has better views especially rear views ( my opinion of course ).....and the F4U-1 is more manueverable over the F4U-1A ( again, my opinion of course ).....

Saxman will hopefully be along shortly to give you a indepth run down on the F4U version differences....

or check out the below linked thread:
Don't get in a Flap,271266.0.html

hope this helps
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 06:16:25 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 04:38:44 PM »
Lol, TC.

The major differences already have pretty much already been covered: The F4U-1A is faster, (by about 2-3 mph, so not much difference) and has much improved rates of climb and acceleration. Most of the rest is down to individual impressions, but to me the 1A feels a bit more stable. IMO any advantage the -1 has in pure turning ability is overshadowed by the 1A's improved acceleration and vertical performance.

The 1A also has a much better view over the nose, so forward visibility and sight picture is superior.
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Offline maddafinga

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2010, 07:57:39 PM »
Lol, TC.

The major differences already have pretty much already been covered: The F4U-1A is faster, (by about 2-3 mph, so not much difference) and has much improved rates of climb and acceleration. Most of the rest is down to individual impressions, but to me the 1A feels a bit more stable. IMO any advantage the -1 has in pure turning ability is overshadowed by the 1A's improved acceleration and vertical performance.

The 1A also has a much better view over the nose, so forward visibility and sight picture is superior.

I'd almost switch to flying them if I could see straight up easier in a fight.  I always have to lean to one side and a little bit forward to see directly up.  It's do-able, but really distracting and hampers my ability to fight naturally.  I have always loved the hog, just that damn armor plate...
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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2010, 10:39:22 PM »
Wish they'd remove it from the -4. Most of them had that plate removed.

Also, it's not armor. It was to prevent the glass on early canopies from breaking when it was opened.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2010, 11:00:17 PM »
Hence one of the main reasons I still stick to flying the F4U-1 more so than any other.......

I agree the F4U-1A and other later F4U's have better front view, but is not that much to me, but I seldom if ever use "over the nose view" or "the look forward high in the seat and over or to one side type view" when leading an opponent or trying to fire on them...........heck I never even use ZOOM when fighting , I find it throws me way off ZOOMing in to shoot something....... seems so unrealistic to me to do that ( I think it is personal opinion of course )

been flyin the HOG's since AH 1st introduced them, and bout the only thing I have ever had trouble with is that "oversized Bigger than REAL, rear upper headplate/canopy plate thingymajig".........  

madda, I think the reason you have issues is because of your TRACK IR does not allow you to self set position your up or rear up head views, like you can with using the regular head positions settings of rthose who do not use TRACK IR ( <---not sure I am spelling that right )

I will see about uploading my personal head position settings to the Trainers Website... I know Murdr and maybe 1 or 2 other Trainers have theirs posted for downloading on there......

The F4U-4 is a fun ride, but it just doesn't have the fuel load capacity I prefer with the 2.0 fuel burn in the Main Arenas....... so taking DT's is fine, but once you drop that DT(s) you have very limited time with even 100% internal fuel, unless you do some micro management of your fuel......

« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 11:01:50 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2010, 11:34:27 PM »

The F4U-4 is a fun ride, but it just doesn't have the fuel load capacity I prefer with the 2.0 fuel burn in the Main Arenas....... so taking DT's is fine, but once you drop that DT(s) you have very limited time with even 100% internal fuel, unless you do some micro management of your fuel......

Had to do that the other night. Squaddie and I pursued a formation of B-24s about two sectors (I was in a -4, he was in a 1A). I held my drop while finishing the 24s off, then had to release when we picked up another con in the area (we chased the 24s all the way to their landing approach). Turned out to have only been a lowly Il-2. What a waste of a drop tank....

Anyway, we started climbing for altitude to RTB when we picked up a BUFF formation on DAR raiding our home base. Started scrambling for altitude again but still ended up a good 5000ft below them (they were at 23k) when we made visual on the B-17s not far from the enemy base we just vacated. I turned to parallel their course, continuing to climb and followed them about 2 more sectors before I had sufficient altitude and a good position to begin making attack runs. Harassed them for about another sector, killing one of the drones in the process before having to break off. I was never able to get a good clean pass 'cause the guy was in a shallow powered dive (seriously, the drone leash needs to be tightened up to put a stop that BS). Ended up having to RTB about 3-4 sectors on 25% fuel.

I never have much trouble with the overhead plate. Even the rear view isn't that bad if you have your head position set right, and the nice thing is it keeps you from being lazy when you have to roll to check your low-six (real nice way to keep from flying easily lined-up straight lines and keep jinking). I also find that re-centering TrackIR somewhat forward and low in the chair helps that rear view. Although getting my view centered with TIR can be a pain when my chair isn't positioned right....
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2010, 07:30:42 AM »
I don't have any problems at all with the rear view, that's fantastic.  I can even see straight up, despite the plate being there.  The real problem for me is that to see up in a fight, and track the bandit, I have to adjust my position in the chair as I try to work him down to my nose.  I just find it distracting and have trouble concentrating on the fight when I'm having to split my focus between the bandit and the plate. 

I used to fly the Corsair for years in AW, loved it.  It was always one of my favorite planes, ever since I was a little kid and my dad got me a "ghosts" calendar, I was just struck by the thing and have loved it ever since. 

I do fly the -1 a little bit, but need a bunch of work in it to be any good.  I'm too used to the acceleration and climb of the K4 I guess.  After the scenario maybe I'll start doing a lot of hog training perhaps.  I need all the help and work I can get anyway :)
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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2010, 11:29:44 AM »
Am I mistaken that the biggest difference between the F4U-1 and the F4U-1A was not the stall wedge placed on the right wing of the F4U-1A to prevent the wicked stall on that wing common with the F4U-1?

I know about the canopy, engine (same as F4U-1C and F4U-1D from what I've read) and the paddle propeller upgrades to the F4U-1A, but the stall wedge seems to have been emphasized in the books I have read.

The F4U-1 is a great ride.

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Offline HellFire

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2010, 09:49:48 PM »
Greetings TC  :)

Accessed "The Trainers Website" hoping to find that you posted your headpositions setup, especially for the F4Us' back views, unfortunately
you haven't as yet.

Would you please post your headpositions setup soon?  Thx for your courtesies & help.


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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2010, 10:39:06 PM »
Like the other Corsairs, refrain from excessive use of vertical manuevers; unless you have plenty of E.

Sorry, but dead wrong here. The Corsair does some of its best work in a vertical fight. Big flaps and rudder help alot, and it has considerable power. While it won't straight out outclimb a spitty, a well flown hog (any variation) will hang with one.

Just my humble experience and opinion.

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Offline PFactorDave

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2010, 10:46:58 PM »
Like the other Corsairs, refrain from excessive use of vertical manuevers; unless you have plenty of E. Flaps are amazing as well, and will help you hang on your prop longer than most other aircraft.


I admit that I don't put much time into the Hogs in-game.  Just don't like the 50 cal guns.  But when I do fly them, it seems to me that they are rather good at trading altitude for airspeed and back.  Meaning my experiences lead me to believe that the Corsairs retain their E nicely...  It just takes more patience to build the E in the first place...  Kind of like the Ki61, which is my favourite ride this tour.

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Re: f4u-1 vs f4u-1a
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2010, 11:06:23 AM »
Greetings TC  :)

Accessed "The Trainers Website" hoping to find that you posted your headpositions setup, especially for the F4Us' back views, unfortunately
you haven't as yet.

Would you please post your headpositions setup soon?  Thx for your courtesies & help.



my bad, Hellfire,

I will get them up on the FTP server by this weekend, and get Ghosth ( or one of the website up keepers ) to get them linked on the site...
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC