I would love an EPIC but I plan on getting the hangstrom unit. Currently it is interfaced with a (hacked) Belkin Nostromo N52 and a couple other hacked items. The Nostromo is nice due to its UI and macro capability. I know most interfaces are cheap but I had the old controllers laying around and I was using the little cash I actually get to keep for flatpannels, TH2Go, Track IR.....( I support a family of 4 by myself )
I read in the forums that its possible to set up 2 sticks at once, so I tried connecting a EVO joystick, I planned on hacking it and using the pots for breaks, flaps , RPM control and the buttons are just an added bonus I may not need the Hangstrom afterall. So far the game will see it and I can program the functions ok, but for some reason it disables all my other controls? I haven't had much time to work with it, but if I can't get it I may try to set it up via network on a 2nd PC using some software.