Author Topic: A Possible Solution ......  (Read 192 times)

Offline BBGunn

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A Possible Solution ......
« on: February 13, 2001, 03:46:00 PM »
There are obviously a lot of people here with different levels/kinds of experience with aircraft, models, flying, engineering, computer stuff  etc..  Many opinions and data citations have been posted reguarding AC performance in real life and in AH but over time the posts are lost.  Wouldn't it make more sense to come up with a chart for AH AC similar to some of those put together for Warbirds- like the one that had turning radius, climb, speeds etc for the different AC.  We could decide on testing/evaluation criteria and maybe different people could test a plane of two and relay the info to someone who wishes/or and has the software to keep the data base.  That way we would not have to recreate the "wheel" every time an issue is raised.