I used an existing case and monitor, and HD. I also had a 550W watt PSU. But for about $450 I think I did fairly well.
Heres the Rig
http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=13826486Also note the motherboard only has 1 PCEe Slot, so no SLI, but I have no plans on using it. This is the only game I play, and it works extremely well, not to mention my tempertures are extremely "COOL" like 45c for cpu, and graphix may get aruond 52c, the mobo stays around 35c. This is running most settngs maxed out. I really dont care for the self shadow though. And I'm a clean 85 frames. Absolutley no stutters. Even with 20+ planes. The only issue then is my DSL.
One more note.
Spend the extra bucks on good heatsinks, and Thermal compunds. I also modified my case, and have 4 fans. The air flows from front to back. I also am maintaining positive pressure in the case. There are debates on positive vs negitive pressure.
Heres a descent look at one
http://tech.icrontic.com/articles/pc_airflow_heat_cooling_guideI'll have to get some pics up.
This is with everything in it.
Be aware of the size of your case. If you notice that video card, its huge. Make sure you have a descent size case to start off with.
First system test
I put a non matallic screen over the case opening, and this is the finished product. Eventually I may replace the fan with an led one. Dont really care about the glitter effect.