Can't wait
I also like DD's idea to run several snap shot events prior to a FSO style event. Might be a good way to work out the bugs and figure out how to make a FSO scenario that all can enjoy.
WWI FSO's I would think would need to be very different event from a traditional WWII style FSO because of the speed of the AC and the light damage needed to down the aircraft. The WWI AC fly so slow and no one wants to fly for 60 minutes to get anywhere, then die in the first 30 seconds of a furball because their plane falls apart or they get one bullet to the head. Realistic yes but the fun factor is low.
Idea's would be to have 1 hour WWI FSO's which would take into account the slow flying time and lighter damage needed to down a AC. And maybe run 2 during a FSO scenario night to get the 2 hours. Would be interesting to see if the WWI AC could handle a "Air spawn". That might help things as well if the AC could survive. This would place them closer to their targets and at alt.
Another idea might be to allow multiple lifed FSO events but limited to 2-3 total dependent upon the scenario. Have the CM open and close fields for 5 minutes every 30 minutes or as it makes sense to the scenario. That would allow for 2nd or 3rd wave attacks. If the objectives were close enough to each other the CIC would be able to shift and move additional squads to attack weak points and strengthen areas of concern by shifting his squads to other airfields for 2nd and 3rd strikes. This would allow for re-enforcements to arrive for continued attacks as well. Keep the points the same. Keep the attack and defend targets even.
Either way I and several others from the 325th VFG are looking forward to coordinated WWI events whatever they look like. And we'll do our part to help you test them out.