Author Topic: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war  (Read 904 times)

Offline Miska

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WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« on: March 11, 2010, 09:08:40 PM »
It would be a shame if the war was won by capturing bases in the WWI arena.  How about awarding each side points for completing the following types of missions:

Photo Recon: Camera load-out.  Take pictures of a set of targets by flying vertically over them (within a certain radius) at a specified alt and speed range.  Land the photos.

Artillery spotting: fly to a given target, call in artillery and correct the fire (this was in DoA).

Strategic bombing: bomb a specific target behind the lines (rail yard, road junction, ammo dump, etc).

Close air support: bomb and strafe a target near the front line.

Set a victory point threshold.  Not only does the side that does this most effectively have a better chance of winning, but the side that prevents the other from doing it has an even better chance.  The air sup missions emerge from the system and don't need to be specified or even rewarded with points.  Kills count only for individual pilot score, not for side victory.

Offline ImADot

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 12:29:01 PM »
I'd say no to anything having to do with "winning the war".  Missions for fun would make for interesting fights, so  :aok for that.
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 01:08:33 PM »
It would be a shame if the war was won by capturing bases in the WWI arena.  How about awarding each side points for completing the following types of missions:

Photo Recon: Camera load-out.  Take pictures of a set of targets by flying vertically over them (within a certain radius) at a specified alt and speed range.  Land the photos.

Artillery spotting: fly to a given target, call in artillery and correct the fire (this was in DoA).

Strategic bombing: bomb a specific target behind the lines (rail yard, road junction, ammo dump, etc).

Close air support: bomb and strafe a target near the front line.

Set a victory point threshold.  Not only does the side that does this most effectively have a better chance of winning, but the side that prevents the other from doing it has an even better chance.  The air sup missions emerge from the system and don't need to be specified or even rewarded with points.  Kills count only for individual pilot score, not for side victory.

NO!!!    If you want "score", fly WWII.   Fight in the WWI Arena, leave all of the other lemming horde crap out of it.
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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 01:10:08 PM »
NO!!!    If you want "score", fly WWII.   Fight in the WWI Arena, leave all of the other lemming horde crap out of it.

it has fighter score now. FYI   :t
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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 01:21:01 PM »
NO!!!    If you want "score", fly WWII.   Fight in the WWI Arena, leave all of the other lemming horde crap out of it.

The horde is not dependent on "Win the War." I'm seeing it just as bad in WWI without it.
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Offline waystin2

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 01:30:20 PM »
Keep these arenas dogfight only please HTC!
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Offline Lusche

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 02:01:45 PM »
Winning a war (or capturing bases) no,

But different missions: Yes, very much please!

Keep these arenas dogfight only please HTC!

I want more kind of different fights.  :)
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Offline Miska

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2010, 07:11:17 PM »
But if there is no winning the war, what is the motivation to fly the different kinds of missions?

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 08:02:02 PM »
But if there is no winning the war, what is the motivation to fly the different kinds of missions?

the thrill of the fight! That's all we need!

Offline Lusche

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2010, 08:08:06 PM »
But if there is no winning the war, what is the motivation to fly the different kinds of missions?

fun. maybe even score  :noid (people despise scorebunnies, but love to shoot them down ;) )

Works for pretty many people. Just think of bomber guys attacking strats... not a very effective way to "win the war", but it's still done.

I'm by no means a furballer in the MAs. I'm pretty much a "strategic" player, commiting myself to certain battles/goals and doing absolutely all kinds of stuff. I do about every kind of mission/combat this game is providing me. Furballing, Buff hunting, Tank busting, tanking, porking fields in a ki-67, bombing strats, running supplies, tanking, sinking CV's, protecting GV's...
But even I stopped "winning" the war long time ago :) (Most of the time I'm defending for the outnumbered side)

And after a few years of playing, I have come to believing that pure furballers as well as pure war-winners (aka armchair generals) are both a minority. Unfortunately, both are the most vocal minorities in game. (And as you can often see on this BBS, both tend to be "my way or the high way" kind of guys.)

Another reason is one of resources. A lot of work and thoughts would have to go into creating a working, balanced setup. And we know that the main focus of AH is and will be in the foreseeable future, the WW2 arenas. Yes, i would like to see a full-fledged WWI game with like 90 planes, cities, trenches and so on... but that won't happen.

And third: The war on the western front in WW1 was a static war. That's the main characteristic of it. Pilots patrolled over the same front lines for years.

So my dream is... the addition of just a few items and goals, that will provide variety, enable us to do many more mission types, give us more different kinds of fights, while NOT interfering with the very basic dogfighting characteristics of the current WW1 arenas. Keep the front static, keep the airbases indestructible.
I don't want to see yet another arena where furballers are being yelled at for "wasting the resources" and bomber guys are being yelled at for dropping the FH's and killing the fight.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:17:06 PM by Lusche »
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Offline bj229r

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2010, 10:04:06 PM »
Airpower didnt have much to do with the taking of land in WW1
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2010, 01:49:24 AM »
But if there is no winning the war, what is the motivation to fly the different kinds of missions?

Keep trying and let us know what you come up with.
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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2010, 05:44:18 AM »
Variety, something different to do.
We only have one map so there is no point to resetting it.
However there is something to be said for having something to do other than 1on1 or mindless furball.

If you put a small trench system radiating out from the center, so there was a line between each field.
Put a few ack guns along there. Tie the ack guns to a static object like a barrage balloon. Make them hard enough so that you'd have to have 4 - 5 planes attack them to kill it. Downtime of half an hour.

So the mass dogfights would be in the center. But now a country could if it attacked and killed a couple of barrage balloons open a "hole" in the Ack fence. Letting them fly direct to another field.

Heck if there were truck convoys in no mans land to shoot at I'd go do it at times.
Just cause its different.

Offline Miska

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 06:51:04 AM »
By the way, I didn't say anything about gaining land.  I talked about a victory points threshold.

Offline bj229r

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Re: WWI Arena mission types and winning the war
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2010, 07:34:13 AM »
If you were able to bail/ditch, end get OUT of the could do some wicked damage with a .45 :aok
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