A little update.
This is a modest volcanoe and last erupted in 1821. It is however located under a glacier, hence the precautions, - all living in the possible path of the melting water get evacuated. It was odd to have my friends and neighbours showing up with their bedclothes and dogs!
The worse part is however that another dormant one rests close to this one, Mt Katla, and she is overdue. That is a bad bad volcanoe, erupts powerfully and delivers a river of icebergs and melting water which equals 3x the capacity of the Amazone on a rainy day. That one is about 35 miles from me. In case of her going off, I will also have to evacuate
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KatlaEverything went smoothly last night, the system worked, and it was a good thing that there was a drill 4 years ago to iron out the bugs in the evacuation process.