Maybe i am crazy, but ever since the patch I have been racking up a ton of assists. I usually fly a plane with primarily 50cals, and it seems that even if I put a ridiculous amount of ammo into someone, I will not get the kill. I have noticed somewhat of a pattern. I dont know if I am just crazy or what, but maybe some of you have noticed it too. If someone puts just a little damage into a plane, but they are the first to do so, they seem to have a much better chance at getting a kill, even if their damage was not catastrophic, and even if someone comes a long later and puts a greater amount of damage into the target. I have noticed a few times that I barely hit someone, and then I end up getting the kill for them later. Maybe it is all a coincidence, maybe there is nothing there. I dont know..i figured i would mention it in case anyone else has been experiencing this since the patch.