Kommando Nowotny is looking for a few sticks who like to fly Luftwaffe. We are not strictly Luftwaffe and you will NOT be forced to fly them but I tend to fly them more

We apply wingman tactics so if you like or are interested in wingman tactics we will be right for you. Also if you enjoy or have a desire to fly in Special Events ( Snapshots, FSO, Scenarios, etc. ) we will also be what you are looking for. As of now we are fairly new but do not have many "new" guys to AH in the squad. Only 2 to be exact. We fly every night and usually have a showing of atleast 4-6 guys per night, obviously the weekends will be more populated.
If interested you can reach me here on the forums or in the MA mostly any time. Hope to see you around and thank you for any comments
<S> perdweeb