Let's see ...
A lone Spit happens upon an N1K that has alt on him.
N1K decides to play the lazy Japanese Boom N Zoom.
A second friendly Spit shows up so N1K runs for home.
2 Spits continue to pursue.
Once at home, N1K is now low (why he dropped his alt is puzzling) and decides to engage the lower Spit.
Higher Spit drops on N1K (who has terrible SA) and quickly dispatches him.
N1K driver then starts the verbal abuses trying to explain away the suckage that he just displayed.
Second Spit driver dies a horrible death to the town ack ...
N1K driver nows decides that he is going to up an F4U to revenge his death on the Spit who now has alt and speed (pretty much bringing a knife to a gun fight).
Spit attacks the F4U a couple of times while F4U hugs the field ack.
Spit drops on a B24 that just took off and smokes him.
F4U now pursues the Spit ... both on the deck.
Spit reverses and engages the F4U and in short time the F4U is spanked summarily.
Spit flies home and ends sortie.
Had the N1K driver had a sack, he would have aggressively attack the lower Spit and dispatched him quite easily during their 1st encounter, but no, he had to play the lazy BnZ game and that is where his trouble started and it was all his fault.
I found it quite ironical that the N1K driver PMs the Spit driver and accuses him of being the type of person that "ruins" the game. For me, personally, it is people who PM other people and type verbal crap, that is nothing but mean spirited, are the type that "ruin" the experience of this game.
It has been 8 years for me now playing this game and I have NEVER PMed anyone and carried on like that. The thousands of deaths that I have experienced have always been MY FAULT. It was either I blew my SA, made the wrong move, engaged multiples on purpose thinking and hoping that I will come out the other side unscathed, or just plain stupidity ... but it was never my opponent(s) fault. Also, it didn't matter what they were flying ... they chose their ride, I chose mine, and I chose to engage.