What ever you say doc,I'm just interested in what kinda names you guys think up and if theres any good historical squads out there I haven't heard of. That's all no harm no foul. Call me a sqeeker fine so be it,if that's what you think I am.
Okay, I'll help.
I think you could, for example, call it, "Painful Rectal Itch". Consider that none but the truly excellent could carry such a name. Further, you could tag a byline like, "you don't want us on your tail".
How about "incurable social disease"? Again, you could develop a creative byline like, "even after the pleasure of the grapple is over, fires still burn", or, "you'll feel it after we visit your base".
See? Get creative. You could call yourself the Amway drones. What could be more unwelcome and challenging than a visit from such as they?
I just don't want you to go away thinking everyone over 40 is unwilling to help.
How about "The Diarrhea Gang, Blasting from Sixes Worldwide since '010"?
"Rectum Rockets? From your six with a bullet" ?
Never let it be said that
I didn't charitably reach out.