As far as I can tell, and I am by no means an expert, there was one "190A8".
This 190A8 differed from the 190A5 primarily in that it was heavier and had Mg151/20s outboard instead of the MG/FF's. However, there were a number of 'kits', for lack of a better word, that were mounted on the 190a8. We have one such 'kit', which was replacing the outboard 151/20's with 30mm Mk108 cannons. We are allowed to select between have 4 20mm or 2 20mm and 2 30mm cannon.
Another such kit was the removal of the outboard 151/20's, which were then replaced by an underwing gondola (like the ones we can mount on the 109) that had 2 151/20's in it. That would boost the total of 20mm cannon to 6 (2 inboard, 4 underwing).
Yet another such kit was the addition of underwing gondolas consisting of 1 Mk108 30mm cannon. In this case the 4 Mg151/20's seem to have been kept, although I'm not sure.
I, personally, am not asking for some "never-never land" loadout. The packages existed, and in some case the planes came from the factory like that. I just think it would be neat to be able to change the loadout of the A8, and add a little more variety to it. It is already an inferior plane in the MA, giving it more firepower would not change that. The only plane that I feel is even MORE inferior than the 190A8 is the 190F8. It is quite easily the most useless "Jabo" plane. I bring a 190A8 instead, the extra 2 cannons pack more punch against buildings than the little bitty 50kg bombs do.