this is a project that ive been thinking of for a while now, and i think it would be pretty cool.
i was thinking of finding and contacting American WWII fighter pilots who flew the P-51, P-47, or P-38. then, if i get their permission, im going to interview them and ask them questions like "what squadron did you fly in?" "how many sorties did you fly?" "how many kills did you get?" etc. then, im gonna ask them my favorite two questions: "which of your sorties do you remember the most?" and "why was the [said aircraft] the best aircraft in the war?"
im going to recreate their stories through Aces High, running scripted scenes in the DA.
this project is way far off in the future, as i dont nearly have the time and money to put into this yet, but i am thinking about starting it eventually. your feedback and support is greatly apreciated!