About four years ago, my family had two dogs. One was a 12 year old female chocolate lab named Coco who has since passed away. The other was a 2 year old male half beagle/half rat terrier named T.J. we picked up as a stray. We kept the two dogs out in the garage where they slept in a closet during the winter months. Since T.J. is a small dog without much fur for insulation, we got him a flamboyantly bright yellow and blue wool sweater. When he had this thing on he just looked so pitiful and ashamed: had his tail tucked, head bowed low to the ground and just slunked around trying not to be seen.
We came home one night and he greeted us cheerfully at the car, his sweater no where to be seen. We looked around but could not find it, but we all laughed that he must have taken that thing off and hid it somewhere. A couple weeks later, we came home and this time Coco greets us at the car with the sweater all covered in dirt and faded out. She couldn't wait for us to get home to show us what she had found, it was hilarious. Of course TJ was no where to be found. He had buried that thing and didn't want any part of it.