81st Krewsaders are breaking up to meet new people and such,which means no more 81st Epic Mission but still an epic mission. With that said there will be about 3 dozen squad less members all very good pilots and very nice. So a heads up for all squads who are looking for some new recruits. Swoops will be making his own squad,the 777th. The fighter squad,the one that's the Epic Missions fighter cover will as well be broke up. That being said there will be a more need of fighters and bombers for the Epic Mission. The FS of the 81st for those who want to stay are joining the 49th squadron. That's an extra 23 people give or take 2 or 3. This is a heads up for the mission done every Tuesday and those squads looking for new people to meet. There will also be a need for a fighter commander for the Epic Mission,if you want the job and if you know you can do it. We need you because are organization will take awhile for the old FS of 81st to be even mentioned in the Epic Mission again,so we need some extra pilots. For more info on the names of those now no longer 81st members,contact me.