Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch
Hey dont make fun of me
at least the inbred can buy some teeth now and maybe a big engagement ring for his sister
Well, i try to win it but some redneck 29 year old from Missouri with two missing front teeth won it. Sorry guys, i would offer to pay everybody a year worth of AH.
Folks, play nice.
I read that he said he wants to wait a few days before he decides if he's gonna keep his minimum wage job at the convenient store.I also read that he's not sure if he'll take the lump sum which is around $124 million or take the 30 payments over 30 years. It said if he takes the payments he'll pay $6 million in state taxes on it, I think I'd take the 30 payments which comes to like 8.4 million a year.
nah.....he'll blow it in less than a year, and then wonder where he spent it.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!
How convenient, a convenience store clerk on his last dime wins the powerball and the convenience store wins $50,000 for selling the winning ticket.I don't like being a hater, but something is rotten in Denmark.
Your joking right?
In New York, another retailer has cashed 120 winning tickets for more than $500,000.In Illinois, we found one store where four employees and five of their relatives cashed a total of 556 winning tickets, for more than $1,600,000.In California, lottery investigators were seeing the same thing. In fact, in 2007, the five most frequent winners in California were retailers. One store owner in Los Angeles cashed 121 tickets for more than $160,000.
Not at all. Lottery Fraud happens more often than you may think.You hand a dishonest clerk winning ticket, they scan a losing ticket they have already scanned and then they pocket the winning ticket, or hand you 2 or 4 dollars for hitting some numbers when in fact you have won thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30550956Always ask for your tickets back, win or lose.