Former FA pilots - Welcome to the Axis Vs Allies arena.
What is the AvA Arena?
It's an arena that attempts to simulate real battles that occured during WWII and often explores the historical match-ups in 'what-if' scenarios.
From the staff to the players:
AvA Staff Vision
To provide a gaming environment that promotes the historical engagement of Axis and Allied forces.
AvA Staff Mission
AvA staff design setups utilize terrains, limited plane-sets and persistent scenario designs focused on enhancing player immersion in a virtual environment to give them more of a "you were there" feel to the game.
The AvA also has a development group lead by the players who interact with staff members to discuss the arena and setups, trying to provide the best possible scenarios for the players.
What is different about the AvA to the Main Arena's and the Special Event Arena? 5 things:
1. Setups last for a week - meaning the historical scenario runs typically from Wednesday night to the following Wednednesday.
2. Aircraft that are made available are based on realisitic Axis versus Allies scenario. I.e. Russia vs Finland / China vs Japan / Britain vs Germany
3. No enemy icons, full friendly (you can find your friends), friendly icons appear at 2.5k, wind, and other arena settings to assist in creating a realistic environment.
4. Weekly setups are sometimes based on week-long events such as squad vs squad, and Axis vs Allies wars.
5. We try it to keep it a professional arena - most players try to avoid HO's, vulching, and field milkrunning.
If you have any questions, please drop Soda, Oldman, Fudgums, Jaeger, b4buster, or myself any questions. You'll often find us in the arena or on the forums. We also have a reserve staff (former admins) who provide guideance to the full time admins. They include Slash, Duke, and Panzzer.
The AvA Staff