The Nasty Deadmen are looking to recruit. We have 10 on the roster now and would like to double that if possible. We've always looking for the experienced players, but also will take on the task of training the new guys as well.
We do ask that you have a paid account and the ability to talk on the radio. We also ask that you be over 21. As the radio chat is for adults only.
The Nasty Deadmen have no preference in planes or GVs. We just take whatever we can to get the job done and have a good time.
If this is something you may be looking for in a squad, we'd sure like to have ya. You can contact me here, by PM, in game and any NDM you see in the main arenas. We spend most of our time in Late War Blue right now, but will be flying in every arena as soon as we get our #s up.
We do have a web site you can check out too.