I know this guys really isn't worth your time Ack-Ack, but.......
I already offered him a chance to go the DA with me in a previous thread and all he did was make excuses as to why he wouldn't meet me. Bronk said it best when he said to THRASH99, "kingcobradude has more backbone..."
As I said in my last post in this thread, THRASH99 is just the type of player that blames his lack of skill and understanding of how the game works on the game itself. MY TANK HIT A TREE...WHAAAAAAA!!! IT'S A BUG!!! I GOT SHOT DOWN BY A 2 WEEK SQUEAKER IN A SPIT 16...WHAAAA!!!! PERK THE SPIT 16!!!! It's never his fault, it's always the game that messed up.
If THRASH99 would spend even one minute in learning about the planes in this game and the mechanics of how this game works, it would eliminate the need for 99.999% of his posts.