I have several headsets and I was using a dual earpiece Altec Lansing USB set (without the fob) but it finally gave out. I then moved to a Heil PR-40 and AKG wireless headset that I use for Skype calls but the my wife cant call her friends with Skype while Im flying.
So I bought the Heil Pro Set Media headset. For the money ($100) you wont find anything better. Heil was commisioned by the US Navy to develop a headset that would have longer life than the typical market headsets. Apparently cheap headbands and thin wires were causing problems aboard ship. The Pro Set Media is the most comfortable headset I have ever found and the dual 1/8" wires are tough enough to take abuse. Plus the cotton ear covers are removable for washing.
Its not a noise cancelling headset like my AKGs but its hard to hear anything but the headphones. Mic is very clear also.
The problem I posted in the first post was mentioned on TWiT over the weekend. Sure enough one of my squaddies is using one of the headsets with the problem.