Author Topic: Auto Download Skins  (Read 179 times)

Offline 4deck

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Auto Download Skins
« on: May 13, 2010, 10:00:49 AM »
I checked the box in the hanger to auto D/L skins in the hanger, and it starts up fine. The problem is it starts with skins I already have, and constantly redownloads the same skins if i change arena's or log off, and come back. I don't know if has anythng to do with the new mossy. I could try to delete them all, and redownload. Not sure if this is a bug or a nuasince.
Forgot who said this while trying to take a base, but the quote goes like this. "I cant help you with ack, Im not in attack mode" This is with only 2 ack up in the town while troops were there, waiting. The rest of the town was down.