Author Topic: Offline Missions still limited with V2.19 Patch 1  (Read 1259 times)

Offline bbosen

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Offline Missions still limited with V2.19 Patch 1
« on: May 14, 2010, 12:20:53 PM »
Bad news.

I downloaded AH 2.19 Patch 1 (newest release as of now 14May2010) and tried it with my big, sophisticated "Hollandia" mission.

No go.

As with all recent releases, as soon as the first "warp" segment is hit, everything locks up, forcing a re-boot.

Maybe they will fix this in a future release, but for now everybody wanting offline missions must be content to either:

Option 1 of 2: Downgrade to an earlier version of AH2 such as V2.17Patch3,


Option 2 of 2: Limit offline missions to just the simplest available, such as those discussed here:,287915.0.html
