I'd at least would like to know my K/D ratio to see if I'm improving or not - or even just total kills and total deaths...I can calculate on my own. I don't care about the 'points' or 'rank'.
I flew in AvA for several hours this evening (till I was disco'd) and had a blast. Later, I thought I would check my K/D and Nada! How disappointing...I think I finally made it greater than 1.0.
People fly for all different reasons...some for fun, some for stats, some to drink, some for a good fight, some to take territory, some to be #1, and some just for the social aspect. Some people actually like to improve. IMO, if you want more folks in AvA, you need to cater to as many as you can if possible. If you just pick 'one of the above', you severly limit your potential player base.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from ex-FA'rs is the 'Knights/Rooks/Bishops' thing. They really, really like the planesets/teams segregated by country and Allies/Axis. There's just something WRONG about fighting a P51 with an F4U. They would want to naturally migrate to AvA. But not just for dogfights - they want the whole AH experience, and that includes GV's/scores/stats/territory etc...and numbers.
If all you have to offer is dogfights and furballs, and territory that is really hard to capture, you might get a few (like me), but the large majority will migrate to the MA's.
My $0.02,