Author Topic: Skill Or Heridity  (Read 3761 times)

Offline crazyivan

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2010, 08:52:09 PM »
You may have inherited good eyesight and depth perception, thats about all I could see you getting that makes you better without any experience.

I agree eyesight can be hereditity, but also think genetics can skip a generation. As for hand eye coordination Nemesis. Take a karate class, learn a sport. I think it's much more to do with muscle memory. IMO
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Offline bcadoo

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #76 on: June 03, 2010, 11:37:30 PM »
The problem with people who think they know everything is that they really annoy those of us that do :bolt:

Oh so true! :cheers:
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Offline BrownBaron

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #77 on: June 04, 2010, 12:09:07 AM »
Nemesis turned a corner!  WOW...if you are born with something Nemesis, guess where that comes from?  Go ahead and say can do it.....GENES!  Another brazen geneticist born right here on the HTC, go read what you wrote two days


Can't inheret learned talents.

Things one learns how to do are not coded into ones DNA. That makes no sense.

You're parents learned how to read, but were you born with the ability to read at an adults level, or even at all?

No. You weren't.

The prosecution rests.
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Offline groundfeeder

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #78 on: June 04, 2010, 11:24:50 AM »
uhhhhhhhhhhhh none of THIS is reality.......just saying :rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline Changeup

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #79 on: June 04, 2010, 02:57:22 PM »

And Krusty, I never said that you are either genetically a pilot or you aren't....never.  You wanna make an argument make the argument but try not to put words in people's mouths.  That makes you look like all you can do is attack the person and not the argument which is small.   Go back and show me where I said that....or even made an argument to that effect.  Don't throw the ignorant statements around so easily..because so far I can't really see you staying on-subject here.  First it was mixing genetics with environment and then it became words I never said.  Good luck with that sir.

Brown would make a lousy lawyer.  I never said anyone could inherent learned talents...try to read what was written before becoming bafoonish.  Show me where I said that?  Show me where I even came remotely close to saying I understand where the gangtards come from in-game! lol...hell, half of you only read two posts, didn't really get it and typed some absurd response about I thought you were born being a pilot.   Now, so no other lazy readers just dive in somewhere, let me paraphrase, lmao:

1) My initial point was you are born with:  Good eyesight (Frames per second, depth perception, spacial aperception, 20/20 vision or better), reflex response (red or high twitch muscle tissue),  and a host of other mental agilities that I won't go into here...go read it yourselves at where they have even documented and proofed the "homeless gene" and the "high memorization" gene....hey Counselor Brown think someone that has documented photographic memory has a leg up on you in classes you take or took?????  Its can work extra, exta hard to make the same grades they do where reading or studying is tantamount to making the grade (ummm, flight school, Officer Candidate School, etc) and you may accomplish it but they will always have it easier than you do and in most cases they will be better at reading retention no matter how hard you work at it.

2) Working exta hard will ALWAYS facilitate progress and the eventual realization of any goal you wish to accomplish but people that have inherited a host of genetic "gifts" as listed above will always be ahead of you if you both are working as hard at it and at the same rate.  

3)  Finally, yes...anyone with desire can learn to fly an airplane...I have an American Airlines pilot that I play golf with regularly and I spoke to him about this embarrassing little thread.  He agreed that ANYONE can learn to fly a 777 with a great deal of time, hard work and money.  The one thing they cannot overcome in his professional opinion that includes 5500 hours in the 767 and 777 AND 3900 hours in the F-16 and training aircraft is MOTION SICKNESS which, in 99% of the cases, is wife and daughter both have it...I guess that one was passed down.

So, you can overcome and learn anything you want to but folks that have been given specific PHYSICAL SKILL SETS genetically have a leg up at the start...they may choose to never continue to refine those genetic gifts through hard work and continued development and will just become "average" at whatever task or occupation they choose but they did have a head start and to not acknowledge that is pure ignorance.

The "prosecution" loses because he tried to argue something that was never admitted as evidence.  Prepare for your malpractice lawsuit because you must have been absent the day they taught law at law school.  Smart ass? Yes, lawyer? no...I hope smart bellybutton pays well.


« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 03:07:12 PM by Changeup »
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Offline palef

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #80 on: June 04, 2010, 03:00:32 PM »
I disagree. The gene pool is a very delicate thing. Your DNA has traces to the first man. It is very possible that you can inherit genes from your great great relatives.

No it doesn't. It traces back to the first hominid female. A much bigger chunk of DNA is passed through the matriarchal line.

Offline palef

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #81 on: June 04, 2010, 03:01:05 PM »
but also think genetics can skip a generation.

No it can't. Think about it.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 03:10:24 PM by palef »

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #82 on: June 04, 2010, 03:04:38 PM »
What can't palef?  Are you saying that eyesight, good or bad, isn't hereditary?

Genetics don't skip generations...the father or mother may pass along dominant genes that repress certain recessive genetic traits in offspring.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 03:14:26 PM by Changeup »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline palef

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #83 on: June 04, 2010, 03:10:45 PM »
It must be eyesight.

Offline gyrene81

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #84 on: June 04, 2010, 03:19:43 PM »
Eyesight can skip a generation, just as hair loss...basic genetics doesn't skip any generations, unless there are no offspring then it ceases for that specific line.
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #85 on: June 04, 2010, 03:25:31 PM »
ACTUALLY......... Some genetic code does skip a generation.  The reason I never joined the US Navy was due to my Diabetes (type I).  Which, has a tendency to skip a generation.  My Grandfather had it but my Dad never got it, nor any of his siblings. It is still genetics however.

With that said.... 

We do not know enough about our genes (and I mean the science community, not the AH community) for us to be giving out absolutes either way I think. 

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Offline mensa180

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #86 on: June 04, 2010, 03:29:04 PM »
I think we do.
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #87 on: June 04, 2010, 03:32:22 PM »
If there were less tree hugging, save everybody, life starts at conception, liberal bastages out there.... We probably would by now.  But sadly, we do not. 

I think we do.
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2010, 03:35:45 PM »
If there were less tree hugging, save everybody, life starts at conception, liberal bastages out there.... We probably would by now.  But sadly, we do not. 

We don't know everything, but as Mensa mentioned, we know enough.

Offline Changeup

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Re: Skill Or Heridity
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2010, 03:47:07 PM »
ACTUALLY......... Some genetic code does skip a generation.  The reason I never joined the US Navy was due to my Diabetes (type I).  Which, has a tendency to skip a generation.  My Grandfather had it but my Dad never got it, nor any of his siblings. It is still genetics however.

With that said....  

We do not know enough about our genes (and I mean the science community, not the AH community) for us to be giving out absolutes either way I think.  


Actually, you need to do a bit more homework...this is directly off the Genetics of Diabetes website and it's hyperlink "the genetics of diabetes" which never mentions "generational" skipping.  In fact, states SPECIFICALLY that Diabetes type I and Type II REQUIRE an environmental variable to get it in addition to being genetically pre-disposed.  And I quote:

Genetics of Diabetes

You've probably wondered how you got diabetes. You may worry that your children will get it too.  Unlike some traits, diabetes does not seem to be inherited in a simple pattern. Yet clearly, some people are born more likely to get diabetes than others.

What Leads to Diabetes?
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes have different causes. Yet two factors are important in both. First, you must inherit a predisposition to the disease. Second, something in your environment must trigger diabetes.

Genes alone are not enough. One proof of this is identical twins. Identical twins have identical genes. Yet when one twin has type 1 diabetes, the other gets the disease at most only half the time. When one twin has type 2 diabetes, the other's risk is at most 3 in 4.

Type 1 Diabetes
In most cases of type 1 diabetes, people need to inherit risk factors from both parents. We think these factors must be more common in whites because whites have the highest rate of type 1 diabetes. Because most people who are at risk do not get diabetes, researchers want to find out what the environmental triggers are.

One trigger might be related to cold weather. Type 1 diabetes develops more often in winter than summer and is more common in places with cold climates. Another trigger might be viruses. Perhaps a virus that has only mild effects on most people triggers type 1 diabetes in others.

Early diet may also play a role. Type 1 diabetes is less common in people who were breastfed and in those who first ate solid foods at later ages.

In many people, the development of type 1 diabetes seems to take many years. In experiments that followed relatives of people with type 1 diabetes, researchers found that most of those who later got diabetes had certain autoantibodies in their blood for years before.

(Antibodies are proteins that destroy bacteria or viruses. Autoantibodies are antibodies 'gone bad,' which attack the body's own tissues.)

ACCORDING TO THIS WEBSITE (which is the most recommended website by the Diabetes Association of America) NOT CHANGEUP, You got it because your mom AND your dad passed the genetics to you AND because of an environmental factor. Your dad didnt get it because his mother didn't pass the genes to him OR he was never impacted by the environmental variable.


« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 03:53:14 PM by Changeup »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba