Author Topic: saiek usb (analog rudder) help  (Read 794 times)

Offline bashwolf

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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« on: December 04, 2000, 08:37:00 PM »
Hiya All,

Recently i been having a lot of problem with my saitek software program 1.4 .  It goes out of whack and when i disbale the software on my taskbar stick is fine.  When i do that i cant use all my buttons n functions.  Its frustrating my pedal rudder works along with y stick n throttle but its seems as soon auto config stick on task bar it just goes out of whack.  Not sure whats causing it.  Thx for help.


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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2000, 12:17:00 AM »

Offline DrSoya

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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2000, 05:02:00 PM »
What do you mean by "goes out of whack"?

Sometimes I have a problem with Saitek Auto-configure not loading my Aces High profile when starting AH. Axes work, but not buttons. I quit AH, come back in and it usually does the trick.

One solution to that problem is disabling Saitek Auto-configure (right-click on the icon in the tray) and manually configuring the desired profile by right-clicking on the profile in the Windows Explorer and selecting "Configure game now" (I don't know the exact phrase, my version's French).

Also a problem I've been having more and more: the joystick and buttons behave weird, some buttons not working, and AH even quitting by itself after pressing ESC to view the clipboard.

I found out quickly enough that my programming of the rotary dials was causing the problem. I based my profile on a modified version of RangerBob's, and I followed his advice that the rotary dials are not best for controlling trim. I don't remember which functions RangerBob had put on the rotary dials, but I used them to display the clipboard, the damage, toggle the gear and for braking on the ground. And I minimized the movement I had to do to select either of these functions on the dial.

The problem is that sometimes I leave a rotary dial out of center position without noticing. Which can cause problems.

So I put elsewhere the functions I had on the rotary dials, and I began using them for trim control. I'm not using trim control that much anyway. Most of the time I use a quick angle-climb on/off to instantly trim my plane (put it on the Launch button).

I think it's best not to put key modifiers (control, shift, alt) on dials or switches that can stay locked in one position.

308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF
Part of the Northolt Wing (First Polish Fighter Wing)

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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2000, 10:18:00 PM »
That's part of the reason I removed trim controls from those dial wheels. I did a lot of testing before putting the profile up for grabs. Yes the dial wheels are programmed for brakes and gear on the upper wheel, and clipboard and damage info on the lower wheel.

Be careful that after you land you don't leave the brakes, or gear, dial wheel turned on from center, or you might experience problems. It's best to leave those wheels centered when not in use. That's why they're sort of a toggle command in my profile.

I would recommend using the 4 way hat on the front of the throttle where the index finger can use it for the trim controls. I know you don't use trim a lot, but if you ever fly a P51, a 109, or any other plane that compresses, you'll be glad you have those trim tabs on the hat to fly the plane out of compression. Without trim you can't get the plane out of compression.

Trim is excellent to set up a nice easy landing at slow speeds.

Ranger Bob

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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2000, 10:37:00 PM »
Thx for your respond guys.  I try your suggestions.  What i meant out of whack is when i fire its has 1-5 secs delay, it ry to look to my side using hat switch it responds few sec late.  Everything seems to respond late to the button i press.  Its really wierd.

I have connected my usb to external usb port.  You think my stick not connected to Computer itself could be causing delays.  I will try to connect to the computer rather than External Usb port.

Thx Again for suggestions.


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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2000, 03:23:00 PM »
Try this and see if it fixes your sound lag .

gl spro
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline DrSoya

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saiek usb (analog rudder) help
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2000, 11:05:00 PM »
Also of interest are those two threads on Ron Hunt's message board:
308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF
Part of the Northolt Wing (First Polish Fighter Wing)

[This message has been edited by DrSoya (edited 12-09-2000).]