happened today.. me and another guy were both heading towards a wabbit.. we were within 5k of each other.. we nojoyed.. and we both continued towards the wabbit, because the wabbit was even at 6k+ still the closest for both of us by quite a bit. oh I thought I found a loophole to get to easy gang on wabbit! until fuseman told us we can't do that
I think I understand the spirit of it, but there probably needs to be something else in the rules like:
*after calling no joy, you must turn away from the person you called nojoy on
*after a nojoy BOTH must find the closest DIFFERENT fight (but then who gets to go after wabbit?)
heres a fake radar image i created to show what we were lookin at.. what are we supposed to do?
not that it woulda made any difference for me in the long run