CH is far superior in terms of ergonomic design than the x36. On the fighterstick for instance, there are four easy to reach hats; none of which uses slippery plastic with poor "threads" on them. Everything comfortably within thumbs length even if you like me have a small hand.
Lots of throw, and no added resistance through the rubber thing the Saitek uses. I.e incremental resistance artifically added by the rubber thingy.
On the throttle, once again it's ergonomically designed - three hats right off the thumb. No matter if you're at full throttle or chopped, the positions remain the same. Normal buttons are placed directly under fingertops.
Speedkeys might be a less advanced program than saitek gaming extention, but it is also far easier to use. Add to that that with a Pro throttle you can program *any* stick that's connected to it - pretty good.
CH also has longer throw, which means more accuracy. Some dislike the lack of resistance in the CH sticks; I think it's perfect.
On the saitek stick, there are two "rolling thingies". One placed at thumb position. Below it and to the left there's a 4way switch and to the left of it another button. Try keeping the same hand position and reach all of those while going full throttle and then chopping throttle. it can be done but is strenous.
I really wanted to like the x36 - hell, I spent good money on it. But to me at least, it seems as much energy has gone into making it look good, and less into making it ergonomically well functioning.
That's my take on the x36 - feel free to disagree. I just feel that I should voice these concerns because at least to people similar to me, it's just not good enough.
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"